The Least of These

Matthew 25:40
“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’

I don’t write about my work very often, but a couple of things happened this week that led me here. In the interest of job security, you all will only get the spiritual ramblings.

Last Saturday Dr. Wright spoke a little bit about who should be able to take communion, the supper that Christians share. He spoke of those who come to that table as the little children that Jesus spoke of. Specifically, he told us how touched he was, how much it meant to him when he was able to serve communion to the members of his congregation with Down Syndrome.

They may not be able to give an adult version of a statement of faith but they come with the faith of a child and with the love of God.

When we go out into the world we meet many “least of these” people. He or she might be a physically impaired or mentally impaired or mentally ill person. She might be a widow or he might be a fatherless child. She may be a teenager who opted for an abortion. He might be a drug user.

Or maybe just lonely. A mom of a pre-schooler who needs a cup of coffee or a new empty-nester.

It’s vital that we reach out. The Word became flesh to reach out to us – and to command us to reach out to others. To speak out when we see injustice, to step up to the plate when there’s a need for help or even just an ear to listen.

Many of the “least of these” are not easy to minister to – but we must look past the outside and look into the image of God that He created. What we do for those less fortunate than we are – this is what we do for God.

Who can you reach out to this week?

5 thoughts on “The Least of These

  1. Heather

    Such an incredible blessing, that we are CALLED to minister to those who are the “least”. Praise the Lord that this is part of His plan, Christians reaching out to help one another, and those who are less fortunate. Wha an awesome God.

  2. LynnLynn

    I love this story. When I see a child or an adult with Down Syndrome, I see a person who is fee to love, honestly and with an authentic heart. O, that the world could love without conditions….. Wonderful!

  3. eph2810

    Ellen, thank you for sharing this. I agree – we always should reach out to the least of us…I think I could reach out the un-believing co-workers…

  4. Beckie

    Oh yes, the least of these includes so many people. It could also mean the one who really gets on our nerves about something. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    Blessings to you.