There was a crooked woman- Her Name Is Me.

The scene:

My living room. 

The day?  Pick one.

I walk into the room, notice the mirror on the wall is crooked.  Of course- queen of OCD that I am I straighten it.  I sit down.  I look up.  The mirror is crooked.  I  (of course) get up.  I walk over and fix the mirror, AGAIN.  Sit back down….

Finally- my husband walks in- I ask him and he straightens the mirror- it’s fine.

This scene plays out in every room in our house.  It plays out over pictures, knic knacks, etc.  It’s crazy, and I am fully aware of it’s craziness.

No- we’re not having earthquakes- not even tremors here in Michigan.  No, I do not live on the side of a hill. No one is hammering or pounding the walls with invisible hammers.(Although I have wondered ,  anything is possible, when you have 3 boys..)

The problem, is me.  I’m crooked.  You know that test they give you in Jr. High…the one where they have you bend over- touch your toes and then they examine your spine to see if it’s straight?   I flunked it.  (Too bad it wasn’t the only thing I flunked in Jr High… let’s not speak of math.) I didn’t flunk it BIG time— just enough to to send me to a specialist.  A Scoliosis Specialist.  .

They told my parents- it was true-  I was crooked.  Not enough to warrant surgery.  Just enough to cause me to have to wear a lovely plastic lift in one shoe to straighten things out a bit.  Vain and shoe loving girl that I was (ok- and I am) … those ugly, navy blue orthopedic shoes didn’t last long. 

Instead- I see things just a bit.  “Off”. Skewed.  Crooked.

I run into a similar problem in my spiritual life.  Naturally- I see things a bit skewed.  People- as seen through my own eyes- aren’t what they seem to be.  I see them as crooked… skewed- yet God sees them as – works in progress- pots, forming in his  hands…..  .  I get annoyed- He gives grace.

It’s not just people- this crooked  woman problem affects how I see situations, too.   I see them as hopeless.  Over. Frustrating or pointless.   He sees them as necessary. Even, beneficial.

I just don’t see things the way He does.  I’m too crooked.  (some may say I’m twisted;) I need a little adjustment.   Anybody know a spiritual chiropractor?  (If only it were that easy… a phone call- an appointment, a tug, pull  and “pop” everything is back into alignment  with God’s perspective!) Maybe not.  But, I can’t be the only one seeing things a bit “off.”

How about you?  Need a shift in perspective?  Need God to help straighten out a bit of Scoliosis in your spirit?  I suggest you read all of Roman’s 8… along with me.  It’s where I turn for straightening up!

Let’s pray together..

Dear Jesus- I ask you to give us your eyes and perspective on people and situations. In the areas that we aren’t to see- I ask that you’d help us to trust- that things are not always what they seem, and that you have a plan and are working in their midst. I love you Lord- and ask that you continue to heal and change this crooked woman. Amen

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10 thoughts on “There was a crooked woman- Her Name Is Me.

  1. BernadineBernadine


    Thank you Tracey for this lovely post. I’m so thankful that we serve a God who is always there when we’re humble enough to admit to him that we need a little spiritual straightening up.

  2. LynnLynn


    I am a crooked woman too. I love Romans 8. Going to open up the good book right now and read it over. Love, Lynn

  3. LindaLinda

    Tracey – this is a very apt analogy for me. I too have scoliosis. Ten years ago, on my 51st birthday, I had major, major surgery to take some of the curve out of my spine. It had somehow just gotten so much worse than when I was in my teens and the doctors told my parents no surgery was necessary. I sometimes need that major surgery on my spirit as well. Beautifully said.

  4. Connie

    we all must be on the same thoughts, my post tomorrow is along the same line of well, needing HIM… and, you might say being crooked…

    I loved your analogy… beautiful post…

    BTW… you will never know how much I appreciate the mix up in our posting schedule.. truly…i was overwhelmed and frustrated and it was as if God worked this all out for His good..I’ll have to share with you sometime.. but Praise Him…


  5. Bev Brandon

    thank you for this precious post…
    i don’t want to live my life asking the wrong questions…
    don’t want to live my life fighting the wrong battles either…
    you made me think and want what my loving Christ wants for me

  6. Angie

    Tracy…my anti-spam word was Savior….He makes the “crooked become straight”…THAT is what came instantly to my mind. How like our Lord to “love us–and show us where we need to be “spiritually adjusted”!
    I loved this post!!!