Trending Now! Oops, You Missed It!

Holy HushEmails clutter our mailboxes, Newsfeed and Twitter feed change at break-neck speed with what’s trending now… RIGHT NOW…. oops! You blinked, you missed it! On to the next Breaking News story.

Our hearts race, we fret, life is dog-eared and breeding with discontent.

We go for a run or a walk to burn off calories…. Endorphins released to burn off the stress, heart rate up to burn off the calories…that’s all good, but we’re still caught up in the world’s rhythm of rush. Oh, that discordant rhythm of rush! We fail to pause and see the tiny little blessings of living life at a slower pace. God created all things for us to enjoy and to point us to Him. He desires us to slow down enough to see and enjoy the beauty of His handiwork.  And It’s not only the scenery we miss by going too fast, we also miss the sense of where we are going, who we are with and why. One day we’ll all look back over our lives and realize the little things, the moments we share together, were actually the big things.

Sometimes we can’t help the rush of life. It just so happens that life IS trending now at break neck speed…not by choice, but God has allowed this season of life ultimately for His glory. Keep seeking Him in the midst of the blur. Be alert to ways you can honor Him by saying ‘Thank You, Lord’ for even the smallest of things that bless your heart. Did someone hold an elevator door open for you while you rushed to reach the bedside of a loved one? Thank the person, and thank God for that person. We each have a different set of circumstances. Look for ways to say, ‘Thank You.’

My friend, Charlie Bing, once said:

“Don’t get caught up in this world. Learn to live in the glory of the ordinary. Anchor life to the eternal.” 

 It’s all about Him, every second of every day. You can anchor your life to that eternal truth. Like Charlie said, don’t get so caught up in this world that you fail to live in the glory of the ordinary. Look to see Him in it. Experience life to the full. Slow down and find joy in the journey.

“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

 (Just a side note, Charlie is an awesome speaker, teacher, author who has a way with words that resonate grace and truth – here’s his website – .)

Are you ready to slow down and see the glory of the ordinary? I’d like to invite you to join me on my blog for Thankful Thursday. I’ll be sitting on the front porch sipping iced tea waiting for you. What are you thankful for this week?






Marsha’s Musings



One thought on “Trending Now! Oops, You Missed It!

  1. Iris

    I love what you your friend Charlie said! We do get caught up in the ‘rush’ of life and forget to slow down to cherish the precious moments. Thank you for the reminder, Marsha.