
“But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.” ~ Luke 5:15-16 (ESV)

We live in a new area; we are connected 24:7. We are on twitter, FB, blogs, forums to communicate with other like-minded women. It is wonderful to be so connected around the globe.

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with staying connected with everyone; even with my own family in Germany. I don’t want to miss anyone’s news. I want to respond in a timely manner. But this past weekend I did the unthinkable (for me unthinkable). I unplugged; completely unplugged. And guess what?!? It did my body, soul and mind good. For the first time in years I did the things I done before my life online. I read, I studied, I relaxed…

In Luke 5 Jesus starts His public ministry. His life went from quiet to overwhelming in a short few months. He called His disciples, healed the sick, and answers tough questions from His opponents. What I find fascinating though is that He too “unplugged” and plugged-in with His (our) heavenly Father.

My sweet friends, Jesus knew that apart from our Heavenly Father, we loose steam. We are not made to keep going, and going, and going. God gave us the day of rest, but for me, I don’t rest. I mean really rest. Usually on the weekends I catch up on emails, write, and take photos.

This past weekend proved that I need the rest; I mean really rest. Totally unplugging from everything was great and I feel refreshed going into the next week and month. Since this past weekend was so much fun, I have decided to unplug bi-monthly. No email, no twitter, no forum, no FB.

May I challenge you to do the same? Just unplug…maybe you don’t want to do it every other month. What ever timing works for you; do it though. You will see that it will help you to refocus and it will refresh you as well.

Lord of Heaven and earth. Thank You for Your guidance to unplug this past weekend. It was nice to focus on You, literature and family. Lord, help me to take care of myself more often. I do not want to be overwhelmed but be used by You to further Your kingdom. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Photo & Content Copyright © Iris Nelson

8 thoughts on “Unplugged

  1. LindaLinda

    This is so refreshing Iris. These days I feel as though I am rushing through my days – trying to get everything done. Most of those things are not necessary things. They are the things you speak of.
    I know the Lord is calling me to a place of quiet rest.
    Thank you for these wise words.

  2. LynnLynn


    I unplugged for the most part this past weekend as well. I LOVE our online community but also need time to be with people face-to-face.

    Love you my friend. So glad you are plugging in some of the time. Hugs, Lynn

  3. JoanJoan Davis

    Great idea, Iris! It is good to get away from the busyness of the world and unplug – but then take that time to rest and reconnect with our Lord! I’m glad you were able to rest this weekend. I pray that you feel refreshed!

    Living for Him, Joan

  4. LaurieLAURIE

    I have done this very thing from time to time. Unplugging, that is. It is so easy to allow all of the communications and electronics to take over our life and while we are consumed with communicating with the world,we lose our focus of communicating with the most important One and that is God. Loved this reminder that we all need to just unplug once in awhile and get refocused and re-energized with His Spirit! -love ya!

  5. MicheleMichele Williams

    I totally agree. I too have been “unplugging” from all those things as well. Sometimes I feel guilty, and I “worry” about losing my online friends and followers, but then the Lord reminds me that I do it for His glory, so when He wants me to rest, I rest. Those who desire to hear from me and what I have to say will be there when I return. You are a blessing dear sister.