Watching Trains Go By

Why wait? Why wait when you can have it all now?

That’s my question as I look to the next season of my kids going back to school. As a mom who wants to be a part of something bigger than myself, I naturally want to jump on board every train I see and hear passing by. Every boxcar has something written on the side, phrases like:

“The newest and latest Bible study starts soon, register today. Two spots left.”

“Got a favorite hobby? Join a small group and meet new friends who love what you love. Or consider starting your own group.”

“Top Ten Ways to Jump Start Your Ministry. Sign up today!”

 “Lose that summer vacation weight now. Register for a spin class at the YMCA.”

“Feeling out of sorts? Buy our best selling book on organizing your life for half price—today only! Also, look for discounts on organizing supplies at retailers near you.”

“Visit your local library for the newest releases on cookbooks. Learn to make healthy dinners in five minutes or less.”

 “Invest in marriage and family. Register online for our life-changing weekend seminar.”

 “Enter every writing contest you hear about. Why not? You can’t win if you don’t play.”

“Say yes to every good sounding opportunity. After all, God knocked first.”

Can you imagine trying to read all this graffiti on these boxcars? And then, trying to run fast enough to hop onboard your top three picks? Sounds crazy or impossible, doesn’t it?

Well, that’s about how I feel as I try to process all of life’s choices and plan for my tomorrows. This week I’ve been extra grumpy and restless. I’m sure you see clearly why, right? I am burnt out from over-thinking. Talk about a fried brain! I haven’t done much today except for I ran alongside a lot of passing trains–again. Some trains even have passengers on them, waving me on. My eyes go from left to right and again, left to right. Over and over. I haven’t jumped onboard yet, because I know I should seek God’s wisdom first.

Finally today I sat still. As I did, this is what I heard Him say:

Rest and wait on me. Stop your busyness long enough to hear my voice. You will hear, “This is the way, walk in it.” Do not fear the worst. But rather, imagine the opportunity. Watch for me. Look and listen. Do not go astray, stay beside me, stay close to my heartbeat. Hear me, I will not fail you. My plan for you is good. Come closer.

Sounds like God doesn’t it? He’s asking me to draw closer to Him and rest and wait and listen. He didn’t say go do. In essence, he said BE. His arms are wide open  for me, the busy thinker that I am. All my striving is really distracting me from what I really needed today.

A big hug from a loving Father.

I already feel better.

Heavenly Father, why is it I can get so wrapped up in all the great opportunities set before me and miss what I need most? Your presence. Your embrace. Thank you that you know me and that you see right through my heart. You knew what I needed to hear. Please help me rest in you. I lay all my burdens and choices at your feet. Hand me my portion. No more, no less. Calm my restless spirit and allow me to enjoy your warm touch. In Jesus name, Amen


15 thoughts on “Watching Trains Go By

  1. Shonda

    I’ve been experiencing something similar…too many options coming at me. Do I accept or do I let it go by? Lord, I pray You show me Your will!
    Engrafted by His Grace-

  2. Susan

    Oh Tiffany,

    Another great post, and I got so excited just reading about all that graffiti!! I was ready to say YES to all of them!!

    OK my friend, you need to pray for ME now!! (Ha Ha…)

    This is so true. It’s so easy to get caught up in the doing.

    I’m so grateful the Lord kept you still and your heard his still small voice in the midst of all those thoughts that were twirling around in your spirit.

    Psalm 29:11
    The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.

    Thanks once again for blesses us today?

  3. Julie Todd

    I LOVED this! Papa spoke through you….

    Be still and know….yea, I’m there too, asking Papa God where He wants me and my heart engaged.

    Thanks for sharing from your journey.
    You bless me!

  4. LynnLynn

    Oh Tif,

    Just wonderful… A big hug from our loving Father. Thank you and the train anology was brilliant. Hugs.

  5. Heather CHeatherC

    why is it I can get so wrapped up in all the great opportunities set before me and miss what I need most? Your presence. Your embrace. …

    Wow – I\’m totally on the same page (or track)… I want to do everything and not miss out on anything, but in reality I don\’t want to miss out on HIM. Such true words today, thanks!

  6. Tricia

    You have just echoed my heart… there are some many “good” things that we can be involved in, but when we get our plate too full and are spread too thin, we become ineffective as wives, mothers, friends, and in our ministries because we have not taken the time to sit and be with God.

    Thank you so much for sharing! Blessings!

  7. JesusRulzMe

    Hello precious Tiffany!

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us and the wonderful lesson our gracious Father God has to repeat to all us “Marthas” who always want to be DOING something. Instead of being like Mary and sitting quietly at the feet of our Master and Savior, Lord Jesus Christ and feasting on His every word…ahhh, there’s nothing better than The Bread of Heaven!

    Your post reminded me of a quote I heard a many years ago, “There’s a reason why God calls us human BEINGS, not human DOINGS.

    Like you said sister, it is better to just “be”…be still before the Lord and know He is God.

    Bless you,

  8. Laurel

    Thank you for your thoughts today. For the past 3 weeks, I keep hearing, “Be still and know I AM.”

    I am still waiting, trying to get closer to God, trying to “un-busy” my life, trying to show my 4 & 5 year old children that I LISTEN to and FOR God. I do not know what I am waiting for…but I am preparing as best I can; looking in the Bible, praying, being with family and friends, etc.

    Again, thank you for once again reinforcing God’s words to me these past weeks….Be still…..
    Blessings, Laurel

  9. Kristi

    Yep, I do that too! I have a problem with the word, “No.” God began working on my heart last year that I just had to learn to say No even to some very good things/ministries. It’s not easy, but I’m learning and I’m a lot less stressed out. Thanks for blessing my heart today!

  10. elaine olsen

    My life has felt a lot like a train wreck these past few weeks. I’m beginning to settle in my spirit, but changes always bring me reason for pause. As I have been more intentional about seeking our Father, I’m finding my footing once again. Thank God for the anchor that holds my faith, even when my feet are moving at the speed of light.


  11. Janna Rust

    We do have many options in today’s world, don’t we? It is more important now than ever to discern the best from all of the good things to do.

    This post made me smile as I see you are trying to do that by just seeking closeness with God. Thanks for encouraging others to do the same!

  12. AngieAngie

    Oh Tiff. I have read the top three posts tonight…everyone speaking to my tired heart….everyone ministering to something I need…and then I read yours…number 3. BUT it is the REASON I am feeling the NUMBER 1 and NUMBER 2 posts. I am trying to think, do, know, work, comprehend, fix it all for them all, so much…I think my legs are about to slip under the train! I am gulping some of the oxygen He just handed me—through your typed out words. A deep breath…I am a bit more steady. I KNOW I can\’t do it all and fix it all. They must put forth effort…I will pray. Soon…very soon…my eye will stop it\’s nervous twitching….that started on Friday.
    I love what you have shared. Thanks for the obedience. He knew I\’d be here. Even this late.