Take Him at His Word

What Has God promised you? Is there something specific He has whispered to your heart He would do? Do you feel like His promise is so big and wonderful it couldn’t possibly be for you? What is holding you back? Why aren’t you taking Him at His word?

Why haven’t you finished what you started for Him?

I have been feeling the sweet nudging of my Lord to finish the book He put on my heart to begin last year. I have written eight chapters of a twenty chapter book, sent off book proposals and I’m far from finished. My friend Celia has offered to let me write in her home in the woods not too far from where I live. This means I will be able to head over there one day a week and sit on her wooden deck overlooking the most beautiful pine trees in our area. I am looking so forward to it. We just finalized my writing plans last week.

And then I read my devotion yesterday.

When I finished up the Book of Acts for my morning devotion, the most natural for me would have been to continue on and read the Book of Romans. But, for awhile 2 Corinthians kept coming up in my day to day goings on. So, I went there instead. This was the verse I read yesterday;

And in this I give advice: It is to your advantage not only to be doing what you began and were desiring to do a year ago; 11 but now you also must complete the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be a completion out of what you have.

2 Corinthians 8:10-11

He has spoken to me loud and clear. I am feeling quite inadequate for the job at hand, but I am going to take Him at His Word.

What about you?

Make sure to head on over to Blessed…and say hello. I love to hear from you girls!

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11 thoughts on “Take Him at His Word

  1. Kela

    What a Word!! My Bible is opened to 2 Corinthians right now!
    Often someone will post a scripture that God has laid on their heart that will encourage other readers. This time it’s magnified for me! I had never come across that verse (how crazy is that?) and it spoke so profoundly to me.
    I too have been urged by God to write for Him (not on a large a scale as a book, but articles and devotionals). I thought that I accepted the call when I said, “Yes Lord.”, but now realize that I really hadn’t accepted it because I haven’t done anything with it.

    That verse can be applied to so many areas of life. Obedience in it is the only way now.

  2. Debbie

    Wow; you can’t ignore the nudgings like this from the Lord. How awesome that you can use your friend’s place to write too. Nothing like solitude and quiet to get in the proper mood to write.

    Yes the Lord has given me a desire years ago and I’m still not finished. Hmm …maybe a little prompt is what I too need. Thanks for this post today.

  3. ~Brenda

    Thank you for this. Beautifully written – and I know just where you’re at, and it applies to my writing too.

    Thank you for sharing,

    PrairieLady – Twitter

  4. eph2810

    Isn’t amazing how you He directs us — even in our devotional readings 🙂 – Way to go, girl. I know that you will finish your book and that it will be in print in no time…

    Thank you for sharing your words of comfort…

  5. Marsha

    Wow! What a convicting post! I too have a started work that is just sitting there. I live in the most serene surroundings you could imagine, but I need to seek out a different spot, or just plain ol’ be more disciplined! Ouch! That word hurts.

    Praying it goes well for you!

  6. LindaLinda

    It is wonderful when the Lord speaks so clearly to us. I think He has gone before you in giving you this special place to work. Blessings on you as you write!

  7. Kela

    Joanne, I will take you up on your offer of good encouragement or that swift kick. LOL. Seriously though. Thank you 🙂


  8. LynnLynn


    Girl, THANK YOU. thank you for listening to the Lord and for encouraging me and so many others. Can’t wait to hug your neck again. Love, Lynn