Six Little Words

I often pray Psalm 141:3, because my mouth can be used to glorify Jesus or to harm Him, if only by what people see in me as a Christ follower.

“Set a guard over my mouth, Lord;

keep watch over the door of my lips.” (NIV)

I wish my words were always glorifying of Christ. I often ask God that He not allow me to speak unless it is something He wants me to say – if it is edifying, gentle, wise, and, of course, glorifying to Jesus. Sometimes I can listen and speak as His Spirit tells me. Other times, well I apologize if you’ve ever been on the other end of the other times because you’ve likely gotten more me than you’d like.

Recently I read about a modified stump speech, where Americans were encouraged to say (write) six words that describe America to them. A writing conference I went to did the same thing as a contest once, only you were to write about yourself.

I like the idea of the stump speech, where you stand on a stump in a public place and speak. It was a way early politicians could speak on the campaign trail. They would stand on a stump or on an old-fashioned milk crate and speak.

Okay, so you get the idea – you’re standing on a stump so you can be seen, heard over the crowd. And you have six words to tell the world about Jesus, and, of course you. It’s a way to think of how you might see your role in the great commission Jesus gave us in Mark.

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” – Mark 16:15 (NASB)

Twelve words.

My church has one related to serving that I really love. It goes like this:

“We’re blessed to be a blessing!”

That got me to thinking about some of the things Jesus said. He usually wasn’t that brief. But sometimes He was. My favorite quote of Jesus is brief, exactly six words.

“Who do you say I am?” – Matthew 16:15 (NIV)

I love it because of the discussion that precedes and follows it, which is much more than six words. It’s actually 171 words, including those critical six words. Those 165 words are about Jesus being declared whom He is – the Messiah – God in the flesh – our Savior.

Okay, that’s way over six words. So, here’s mine.

It’s never too late for Jesus.

Ask me another day and I’ll tell you the other 165 why it matters to me. Okay, maybe more… but it’s a start. That’s my 443 words for today.

So, what are your six words?


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