Yellow Intensity

Last week in the midst of below freezing temperatures, beneath the skeleton peach tree in my back yard, sprang a perfect yellow daffodil. I love this flower. It is sunshine on a stick.

I slipped on my coat, braved the wind, and went to have a look at this tiny gift from my lover. It was flawless in design and vibrant in color. Gazing at the perfect bloom, I was instantly struck with a sense of God’s presence. Tickled and smiling, I bent to smell the delicate fragrance. One sniff and my heart experienced a deep yearning. Homesickness so intense I felt a physical tightening in my chest.

A yearning for home. In moments like these, my soul longs for more. It longs for something I can’t quite put my finger on but I think it must be my eternal home. I want to be with the one I love to my core.

Why do these feelings of longing or even discontentment spring up inside? I haven’t figured it all out yet—probably wont before I leave this life, but I think our longings push us forward. It is God’s mystery. It is in the longing that we strive for something better.

God uses our gut wrenching yearning to draw us nearer to Him. While yearning for heaven we do our best work here on earth. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

O Lord, You placed eternity in our hearts. Stir our longing for home often. In Jesus name, Amen

4 thoughts on “Yellow Intensity

  1. Amy

    I love daffodils too, they’re a true reminder that spring is on it’s way. Where is home btw?

  2. eph2810

    Don’t you just love it when He leaves us little presents like that and reminds us that we are not home yet. I have to agree, some days I really, really want to go home 🙂
    Thank you for reminding me that I am not home, yet…

    Blessings on your day and always.

  3. e-Mom

    Yes, I yearn for “home” too. I want perfection, and to taste of the Tree of Life that produces 12 kinds of fruit, all year round! (Rev 22:1)

    Your yellow daffodil is a gorgeous reminder of spring, and a tantalizing hint of the eternal world that surely is to come. Have a blessed weekend!

  4. Heather

    What a lovely gift from our Lord. How awesome that He takes a moment to share a whiff of His glory with us. Thank you for sharing this, Lynn.