You are Precious to God

I love reading the books of the Old Testament.  Somehow the old prophets’ stories always have something to inspire me.  A verse from Isaiah that I had written down in my journal led me to chapter 43 recently. A phrase in verse 4 jumped out at me.

Others were given in exchange for you. I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to me. You are honored, and I love you. Isaiah 43:4

You are precious to me…

(insert your name) is precious to God!

You are precious to God! That’s how God feels about his children.  We are precious to him. It’s so awesome to know that the God of creation thinks we’re special.  In a world where experiences sometimes make you feel anything but special it’s good to have this reminder.

You are precious to God.

He loves you with an everlasting love.

When we’re experiencing difficulties we feel as if God is so far from us that he’s almost impossible to reach.  However, when we meditate on his word we can find the reassurance that we need, the one constant we can always be sure of, God’s love never changes and he is always only a prayer away.

Dear God, I come to you on behalf of those reading this who don’t always realize how precious they are to you.  I pray that your Holy Spirit will minister to them today. Let them feel your loving arms holding them tight, soothing their hurts and bringing them comfort. Let them experience your love in a real way today.  In Jesus’ name Amen.

11 thoughts on “You are Precious to God

  1. Iris

    I so needed to read that this morning, Bernadine. Thank you for reminding me how precious I am to Him.

  2. Mary

    I can never hear enough of this message, Bernadine! This world is a dark place indeed and their message is anything but I’m precious or acceptable unless I do abundant feats! No so with our Father God!

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Sherri EvansSherri Evans

    That was like a Scripture hug straight from God. Thank you, Bernadine! You are precious!

  4. Marsha

    Bernadine, this popped up in my FB memories today. This was just what I needed to hear today. Thank you, sweet friend.