You Can Always Trust God

I forgot for a moment.  I had received some devastating news and I totally failed the trust test.  I couldn’t hear God quietly whisper, “Trust me child,” over the echo of the news that I allowed to take away my peace of mind.

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3(ESV)

Tears soaked my pillows for a few nights as my mind covered every “What if?” scenario except the one that went, “What if God has a plan and a purpose in all of this?”

Fortunately, God doesn’t turn away when his children are in despair.  Although it hurts him when we don’t trust him he continues to work behind the scenes.  He continues to speak quietly until we allow the noisy thoughts of gloom and doom that take over our minds to be quiet.  Then and only then can we hear his voice whispering to us those things that we need to hear.

“All is not lost my child.”

“Nothing is impossible with me.”

“Trust me!”

“Believe my word.”

“I am with you!”

“I’ll never leave you!”

Slowly as the days went by the tears began to dry up.  I began to refresh my soul in the comforting, healing, restoring balm of his word.  For I know that when the unexpected happens I can be assured of one thing, God is with me.  No matter what crisis comes my way, He has said,

“Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

If you are faced with a crisis of any kind know that you can always trust God.  Nothing that happens in your life is a surprise to Him.  I’ve seen Him work out situations that seemed impossible, like the one I talked about, and I know He’s able to do the same for you.  Just hold on a little longer.  Trust God. He won’t let you down.


Heavenly Father, I pray for those reading this who are reeling from devastating news or other difficult situations in their life.  Give them the strength to hold on to your promises.  Let your peace rule in their heart.  May they hear your loving voice speaking to them as they go through their struggles.  I pray that you will work out every situation for their good in Jesus’ name, amen.

6 thoughts on “You Can Always Trust God

  1. LaurieLaurie

    I love the fact that even when we forget, God is always present, urging us on, encouraging us, loving us thru our pain. Good Word! ((Hugs))

  2. Iris

    You are right; we sometimes forget to trust God when we receive not so good news. I too reach for His Word when things are on the rough side.

    Praying for you.

    1. BernadineBernadine

      Thank you so much for your prayers, this something that happened a while back and I saw God work out what seemed impossible even as I prayed.