The Water Drop Experiment

wd2.jpgI know you have probably heard the analogy of how our words are like a drop of water. One drop into a smooth, calm pond will ripple out in all directions. That ripple then encounters a rock or the shore where it bounces and ripples out in all directions eventually returning to where it started. A once smooth and blissful pool becomes a jumbled up mess because of one little word drop.

James 3:6 (NIV)
The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

God has much to say about this small but deadly piece of human anatomy. For Example:

Matthew 15:17-18 (NLT)
Anything you eat passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer. But the words you speak come from the heart—that’s what defiles you.

James 1:26 (NIV)
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.


I struggle with words my tongue. I don’t want to say harsh or unkind things but in the heat of the moment, out they pour and some undeserving person burns. Lately this unsuspecting and undeserving person has been my husband. Reflecting on some of our recent conversations, I am ashamed that I have hurt him with unnecessary cruel and harsh words.

I opened up my email this morning, read this passage of scripture, and felt the Holy Spirit open up an area of my life which needs cleaning. This is what I read:

Colossians 4:6 (NIV)
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

The Holy Spirit hit me smack dab in the face with this thought, Lynn, it is time to control your tongue and I want you to begin with just one person. Immediately a single name came to mind. You guessed it, my husband.

All I could think about was how my words affect him. I could see how, he in turn, would say less than kind things to me. I am the Christian in our house. Change MUST begin with me and today the Holy Spirit led me to begin the Great Water Drop Experiment.

I am committing the next 30 days, the month of June, to fully rely on Jesus and the Word of God to change my heart and my tongue, permanently. I know I can’t do it on my own power. A real and lasting heart change is only possible through Jesus and His transforming love.

I also know that for me, I must make a conscious and active effort to seek this change. So I am dedicated to pray daily for a change in my words spoken to my husband. I am starting with just one person. In this way I won’t become overwhelmed and I will be able to recognize lasting changes when they occur and celebrate victories won.

I wonder if you might have a tongue problem. Would you like to start on the cure along with me? Can you think of “one person” who would be a thankful recipient of the water drop experiment? Your husband? A challenging child? A co-worker? A neighbor?

Would you walk this pathway with me this month and allow our Lord to change our hearts and tongues?

If you said yes, first, cut out the prayer below. Pray it every day.

Second, decide to stop handing out critical remarks. Think of a catch phrase to say to yourself when your temper rises or sarcasm surfaces. Such as Not Today or I’m not going there, or how about STOP.

Fill yourself with the word of God. Pray for your “one person” faithfully for the next 30 days. Tell God about their good qualities and why you are thankful for them. We will meet here again on June 30th and share our results victories.

Lord, I approach your throne with Jesus at my side. I have a heart which needs changing. Father, I have spoken with criticism and harshness about ________. I repent and no longer want to speak this way. Work a change in me. Let me see him/her with your eyes and love them wholeheartedly. Help me to practice speaking kind words and keep me from speaking unkind words. It is only by your strength that I can make this change. I ask you to make it a lasting change. I forever give you the honor and glory of a life changed by the love of Christ. I ask this Lord in the name of Jesus, Amen.

God bless you and I pray you will write to me this month and tell me how you are doing.

Please visit me at…..

11 thoughts on “The Water Drop Experiment

  1. Chelle'

    Lynn- I’M IN!

    Only, I can’t start with one… I have to start with three. My children.

    Nightly I lay my head down and ask the Lord the protect the very hearts I’ve unintentionally lashed with this tongue of mine. I pray that He would protect their little spirits that I would not break them in my frustration and refusal to choose to speak kindness and love in the times I blurt out ugliness.

    And I pray the Lord would afford me another day to undue all I may have done and allow me the opportunity in a new day to show them a more complete and accurate picture of Who He Is!!!

    I am coming alongside you, and Jesus, for this 30 day journey and know that through Him- I too will have a victory to report to the Glory and Honor of God!!!

    Thanks for this message Lynn.

  2. Sallye


    Thank you for this timely reminder. This is something that God has also been dealing with me in and I sadly have failed each and every time, I will gladly join you for this month and each one after giving my tongue to my Father.


  3. Heather CHeatherC

    This was so good Lynn. I believe God will honor your heart to have a pure tongue. Blessings over the next 30 days!

  4. Patricia

    I am walking this path right beside you, girlfriend!! How timely was this post for me!! I just wrote the prayer in my journal & I am on my way!! THANK YOU!!!!…& thank you for your message to me as well! 🙂

  5. Angie

    Lynn—how incredible. Utterly–what I needed–yes. I probably have more than one person. Although—I try—oh so hard—sometimes it just comes out—lashing—words—meant to hit the devil square in the face—but instead–hits the person that is being used by the devil—to “get my dander up”. It serves no good purpose. AND my continual prayer—has to be “Create in me a clean heart oh Lord and renew a right spirit within me.”….for it begins in my heart. Then comes forth.
    You are a blessing. ALWAYS.
    I am plunging forward—heard a GREAT message at church yesterday—I may try and blog it later this week….or save it for future LWG!
    I love you lots!!!

  6. Angela

    Hello Lynn, Oh how true it is about our tongue. I have other areas in where I need to let God have control of what I say…so yes I am making the choice to let God take control over the next thirty days. I have so missed my time spent with these devotions. It is a long story as to why I haven’t been on line in such a long time. I need to allow God to take control of a few other issues in my life. Have a fantastic week.

  7. BernadineBernadine

    Why is it that everytime I hear something about the tongue I’m convicted? I am so there with you on this challenge my friend.

  8. Peggy

    OK LYNN…ya got me…and my anti-spam word was MERCY…
    can ya believe it..I need MERCY over the misuse of my TONGUE and worse my anger…But I can’t join in the challenge with any one individual yet I will be working on it…my main partner is too far away to control my tongue, but that definitely was a significant problem.
    Not long distance however over the phone though and my dogs just wouldn’t count…though I’ll practice here on them(lol)

    This was excellent and just what GOD ordered for me!

    You won’t believe it but I really had never heard the analogy of our words are like a drop of water. I will remember that for a long time.
    My analogy was a mine field…hidden but ready to explode by the smallest trigger. My tongue or voice was my defender many times.
    I don’t remember ever using my hands to fight but words..ouch!
    Verbal abuse is very harmful and scarring! I stuffed for years and then one day…all of it started lashing out! I had usually use my voice for good things: speech, cheerleading, theater, singing…and volume was an asset until it became evil. I asked God long ago to bridle my tongue…like my horses…to take control. But YOU are so right, it needs to be one person at a time, measureable, one step and one day at a time. I say YES and I will pray! God tame our tongues and may we bring glorifying and edifying words or no words, but muchooooo ACTION! Thanks for the GOOD wORD and excellent
    teaching with a purpose so we might better reflect JESUS to others!
    In Christ, Peggy Eph. 1:16

  9. LindaLinda

    Lynn, I think this has been one of those life-long lessons for me. It is so true about the tongue being very difficult to tame. I’ve been working on it lately too. I want to be more of a listener than a talker. I pray that the Lord will keep me from interrupting other peoples’ conversations (I’m always so anxious to get my thoughts out there that I don’t let the other person finish talking!). And trying to speak much more thoughtfully.
    Thank you for sharing this.

  10. eph2810

    Oh, the tongue is just a powerful thing. Sometimes I wonder (after words left my mouth) “Where did that come from…” What a wonderful prayer, Lynn – your are one of the best prayer warriors, my friend.

    Thank you for sharing from your heart…looking forward reading the results.

    PS: guess what my spam word is? ‘Forgiven’…