If I were not here tomorrow

1 Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come.
 2 For those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die. 

Isaiah 57:1-2

 On Wednesday May 21, I was getting ready for work when my sister called to let me know that a childhood friend of mine had died suddenly during the night.  This sent me into total shock and grief because she was only two years younger than me and there was absolutely no warning.    

During the day at school I constantly thought about her and the question, “What if I wasn’t here tomorrow?” kept running through my mind. I’m a very private person so I thought about family members, friends, even strangers sifting through my personal stuff and wondered what would an uncensored view of my possessions testify about my life.

 Here’s what I jotted down as I thought about my friend. 

If I Were Not Here Tomorrow 

If I were not here tomorrow

What would I want you to find

Among the possessions

By which my life would be defined? 


I know you’d find the photos

That I have proudly on display

Telling you without a word

Those who are important to me 


You’d find my favorite books

Inside my nightstand drawer

Beside it would be my journal

With my many unshared thoughts 


My computer would point you to

A group of friends I’ve never met

But whose lives have touched my own

In ways I can’t express 


Last but not least, you’d find my Bible

The possession I treasure most

With its well worn, highlighted pages

Lying open on my pillow or in my favorite chair 


My pictures, my books, my journals

My computer and my Bible

Would give a perfect stranger

A brief glimpse into my life, 


So if I’m not here tomorrow

I hope you’ll be able to tell

If you looked through my possessions

That I’m in the care of My Savior Jesus Christ 


For Jenny, May 21, 2008


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8 thoughts on “If I were not here tomorrow

  1. LindaLinda

    What a beautiful devotional Bernadine. I have thought about that myself. I want the things that surround me to be an expression of my heart. I guess it works both ways – to surround myself with things that are pleasing to the Lord and to have a heart that desires those things. So wonderfully said Bernadine. Thank you.

  2. LynnLynn


    This is so wonderful. You should submit this to a magazine somewhere. A periodical or something.

    Absolutely openhearted and very touching. Love you. I pray that if I were not here tomorrow, my family and friends would find exactly the same things you listed. and… the would. Love you, Lynn

  3. AngieAngie

    Bernadine, after Wanda passed away—and Aimee and I began to help Mark with her things—that is all I could think of—what if this were me? What if my family was sorting—looking—sifting through the details of my life—what would they find? I hope they would find hope. Hope to try harder—continue on—-do more—go further—give more—-be more—all for Christ—for that is the only life that will last.
    Your post means more to me today than I can describe.
    Love you so much—Angie
    p.s.—the anti-spam word is hope…and Ididn’t even see it until I moved the screen down more 🙂

  4. Janna

    What a thought provoking post. We all need to think about the legacy we’d leave behind. I’m sorry for the loss of your “old” friend.

  5. eph2810

    Oh, Bernadine, I am so sorry for a loss of your friend. You are right – sometimes we don’t have a ‘warning’ and we will not be here tomorrow. I pray that God will comfort the ones that I leave behind when I am not here tomorrow…
    Your poem is beautiful – like all your poems. I too hope that people will find something in my possession that will point th the One I cherished the most.

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us.

    Ha – my spam word is “Christ” 🙂