What Are You Waiting For?

Ready set goWhat are you waiting for?  That’s the question I keep asking myself.  I’m one of those people who gets all excited about moving forward on something.

  • I’ve prayed about it.
  • I research it.
  • I read what others say.
  • I try to learn all I can about it.

But when I get into it, I start questioning myself.  Is this really what God has called me to do? Maybe I heard Him wrong and it was just something I thought I should do.  Have you ever felt that way?

I’ve been reading in Genesis about the account of God calling Abram.  In Genesis 12:1 it says:

The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.”

God proceeded to tell Abram that He would make him into a great nation and would make his name great.  He would be a blessing and all peoples on earth would be blessed through Abram.  Wow; now that’s an amazing promise.  So what did Abram do?

Genesis 12:4 says:

So Abram left, as the Lord had told him …

I don’t know about you but that’s a big deal to me.  In order for Abram to obey God, he had to believe what God said.  That may be simplistic but I often struggle with this very thing.

I’m sure that Abram had family members who told him he was crazy to go.  After all, he had to uproot his wife, his possessions and move to a place he’d never been.  And on top of that, Abram was 75 years old at the time!

Abram who later became Abraham teaches me something about walking by faith.  He didn’t receive a map ahead of time.  He probably had a decent life he was leaving behind.  But God called him to go.  And he obeyed God even when he must have had lots of questions in his mind.

I want to respond to God in the same way.  The outcome from my point of view might be uncertain.  But God has a purpose in His bigger plan.  I don’t want to get to heaven and discover that fear kept me from participating in His Kingdom purposes.  Even if I have a small part, I don’t want to miss out.

So, let’s get personal.  Is there something that you were certain God was calling you to step out and do but you began to doubt?  Have you started but stopped because of fear of what others will think of you?  Do you rationalize that you don’t have the skill to do what He is calling you to do?  Maybe you don’t have enough education or experience?

But then I remember 1 Corinthians 1:27:

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

Yes, He can use me and He can use you.  So what are you waiting for?  Ready, set, …go!

Blessings and love,

26 thoughts on “What Are You Waiting For?

  1. Mitzi

    This is me on the page–thanks so much for posting. I so desperately needed to ask myself today, ‘What AM I waiting for?’
    So often I’m my own worst enemy and talk myself out of doing what I know God has called me to.
    Prayers appreciated as I step forward to do the work He’s called me to.

    1. Debbie Post author

      I am praying right now for you Mitzi. I struggle with this too. But God equips us when we step out in faith.

  2. Debbie

    It seems as though I ask myself this a lot. Especially recently. Lots to think about here…thanks for posting it!

  3. sonja

    I’m sitting in the choir with you… not always 100% certain on when to move, but really wanting to do it God’s way. Sometimes I’ve moved too quickly, and other times I drag my feet. This is a good reminder Debbie, and I’m paying attention. 🙂


    1. Debbie Post author

      We always seem to be on the same page, don’t we Sonja? But along the way we get to encourage one another and keep us accountable. I love that.

    1. Debbie Post author

      Heather, I will be praying for you as you step out and lead this group of ladies in God’s Word.

  4. Iris

    Thank you for your encouragement, Debbie. Yes, I sometimes question myself on if I really heard God or if I am acting on my own.

  5. Jan Christiansen

    “But when I get into it, I start questioning myself. Is this really what God has called me to do? Maybe I heard Him wrong and it was just something I thought I should do. Have you ever felt that way?”

    Have I ever felt that way? Only about a million times! I have this incredible knack for thinking up things to “do for God”. I’ll get all excited about it, then think it to death and decide that it was probably just me or that it wouldn’t work out. I need to be able to discern the difference between my “brilliant” ideas and God’s prompting. That’s the tough part for me. I often say, “Lord, if you will just tell me…make it clear that it’s You, I’m willing to do anything.”

    I don’t worry about what others will think or if I have the skill set. I know I can figure it out, but I don’t want to be wasting my time doing one thing when God wants me to do another.

    See the circles my mind runs in?

    1. Debbie Post author

      Jan, you are so capable! I’ve been amazed to see how far you’ve come in your blogging. I remember when you first began blogging. I think I was one of your first ‘followers’. And then you put together a directory and so much more in that time.

      But I hear you. We both want what we do to be what God is doing in us and through us to impact others. I struggle with getting caught up in ‘good ideas’ but missing out on what God’s called me to do which is always ‘best’.

      Thank you for taking the time to comment on this. I love that we can encourage one another through our blogs. And btw, did you know that Iris (the originator of Laced with Grace) is local from AZ?

      Blessings and love,

  6. Ceil

    Hi Debbie! You are not alone, that’s for sure. I know I should go forward in strength, but the doubts definitely creep in. Yuk.

    I love Abram’s story, and how it was credited to him a righteousness. It needs to speak more to my heart!

    Great post 🙂

  7. Sherry

    My issue is I am so insecure within myself that I doubt God would ever call or use me for anything, so if I do hear anything, I am certain it must be my own voice and thoughts, not Gods. D, right? I need to change that!””

    1. Debbie Post author

      Sherry don’t forget 1 Cor 1:27. God uses the foolish, the simple, etc. He is the potter and we are the clay. A heart surrendered to Him can be used in a mighty way if only we believe and obey. You Sherry are a child of God and so precious in His sight. Don’t ever forget that!

    1. Debbie Post author

      Thanks for sharing that with me Kathleen. You are always so filled with wisdom. Have I told you how much I miss you lately my friend?

  8. elaine @ peace for the journey

    I’m in sort of a holding pattern right now, Debbie. I haven’t heard from God regarding my future endeavors in a long time. I’d really like some clarity and to get going on something new. But apparently, God isn’t ready to reveal it to my heart just yet. I just pray for eyes to see it, and mind to conceive it, and a heart to believe it when it arrives on the front door of my heart. In the meantime, I’ll just keep living the dailyness that is my life, and I’ll do so with gratitude in my heart for the gift therein.

    Keep tending to that dream within. God is with you as you imagine your down the road.


    1. Debbie Post author

      I love how you pray for eyes to see, mind to conceive and a heart to believe Elaine. As you know, He hears you but just maybe the answer at the moment is to trust Him and wait on His perfect timing. You have a wonderful heart of gratitude.

  9. bluecottonmemory

    In 2009, God said, “Go” – and we did. It was the hardest go of my life – not the going – but the journey of the Go. But when we do – even if it’s messy and uncomfortable – and have faith in Him – He takes us through it – and we come out closer to Him and more than we were:)

    1. Debbie Post author

      What an inspiration you are! When God said, you went, you obeyed. I love that through it all you grew closer to the Lord. A lesson for me and an encouragement for me; thank you.

  10. Barbie

    I can totally relate to this post. Fear is holding me back from writing the book that I know God put in my heart. I started it and haven’t been able to finish it. Thank you for your encouragement!

    1. Debbie Post author

      Oh Barbie, I have my book about 75% completed and then I begin to doubt. Who am I? I’m not an author. You probably know the internal dialogue my friend. Let us encourage one another.