The Purpose of Marriage in 6 Words

(photo credit: Romualdas Požerskis)

In the late 1960’s there was  apopular love song by the group Mercy called, “Love Can Make You Happy.” Being a ‘groovy’ Flower Child of that era, the song was often heard coming from the record player in my room. (Okay, I know I just dated myself as a dinosaur here. Just consider me as your older woman to go to for advice.)

Growing up in a home riddled with domestic violence, I didn’t really know what the purpose of marriage was. I just figured my parents didn’t love each other and weren’t right for each other because the song promised that “Love can make you happy if you find someone who cares to give a lifetime to you and has a love to share.”

And thus began my search for the man that would make me happy. A man whilling to devote a lifetime to loving me and making me happy.

There you go, that’s six words, ‘loving me and making me happy.’ That must be it–or so I thought.

Some see marriage as a romantic love that intertwines two hearts as one, complete with body and soul. Others see it as a commitment to perform duties like raising a family and providing for them for the rest of your life. And then there’s the category that I fell under. Marriage was supposed to make me happy.

The problem with all three of these views of marriage is they are needs-based, each person’s needs must be met by the other person in order for the marriage to work. If we perceive in anyway that our needs aren’t being met, resentment, frustration, bitterness and alienation begin to send their poisonous venom into the marriage and it will die a slow, agonizing death that leaves scars in the memories of each family member.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:3-5

What if God’s design for marriage isn’t to make us happy, but rather to make us holy? If we’re to live out the verse above in our Christian life, wouldn’t you think that also means we’re to become that way in our marriages as well?

I promised you the purpose of marriage in six words:

Marriage for the glory of God.

What does it mean to be married for the glory of God?

  1. God designed us to be married.  He placed within us that desire to be married. It’s His way of saying this is a good thing for you. He knew when He made the original design that the fall would happen and two selfish, sinful people would be pinned one against the other at times. Look at marriage as your greatest opportunity to grow in holiness because the two of you will encounter differences and they will need to be resolved based upon the truths of His word, not the latest how-to tips. You will find yourself growing deeper and deeper in loe with the Lord and He will enable you to demonstrate love to your husband in  whole new light.
  2. Joy and fulfuillment come from our relationship with God. That takes the pressure off our husbands when we are no longer needing him to provide the joy and fulfillment in our marriage.
  3. It shapes us into the image of His Son. Take a look at Romans 8:28,29.

Seeing the purpose for our marriages this way gies great hope for even the most difficult of marriages. It’s a new mind-set, a new perspective; Marriage for the glory of God.

3 thoughts on “The Purpose of Marriage in 6 Words

  1. LaurieLaurie

    Marsha, beautiful words about marriage. We have been married 31 years, my 6 words would be…”Love is a choice, choose wisely.” lol So glad my honey chose me all those years ago and more than that so thankful that God chose me before I even had a chance to choose Him! 🙂