Tweaked or twisted?

Every once in awhile our testimony will get tested as a reminder of what we’ve been brought out of. But, unfortunately when this happens, we don’t always recognize that our testimony can either be tweaked or twisted.

When life has you backed against the wall, what will you do … take things in your own hands or trust God?

Its easy to trust God and even follow Him when everything is going great. But when the troubles come calling; relationships fail, finances crumble, stress mounts, sickness hits…it may be more difficult to trust God then.

But it is in these difficult times that we must remember our testimony. We must remember how God brought us out of hard times before. We must remember how God reconciled our relationships, how He provided in our times of need, we must remember how He calmed our spirit with peace and how He healed our sick bodies.

How we act and react during hard times will either make our testimony stronger (tweak it) or cause us to look to the world for our help (twist it).

Everyone has a testimony. It is up to us to make sure those around us see that we stand strong in the tests of life.

Titus 3:8 says, “God’s gift has restored our relationship with Him and given us back our lives. And there’s more life to come-an eternity of life.” (MSG)

I don’t know how life is treating you today, but will you allow your testimony to be tweaked instead of becoming twisted? God wants to give you back your life, and He wants those watching to see that His children pass tests with flying colors!

2 thoughts on “Tweaked or twisted?

  1. Iris

    So true, Laurie. People will look at us how we handle hard times. May I stay strong on the promise that God is always with me, no matter what.