Control Freak!

I’ve suffered from this condition most of my life. A condition that I am still learning to live with. I desire to control things. Lots of things. Not just big things, but little things, important things, and even not so important things. I try and give God a hand, all…

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I’ve been exercising regularly now for the past several months with my husband.  It doesn’t take long into our workout before we’re both covered in sweat and each one is looking at the other wondering why didn’t you bring down some water?  Inevitably we’ll have to take a quick break…

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Boyd’s Garden

Boyd’s garden was an amazing site. People drove slowly while passing by just to admire it. The meticulously straight rows didn’t have a weed or rock in sight. If you were to ask my husband about that, he’d say that’s because he and his siblings spent hours pulling weeds.  When…

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