Control Freak!

I’ve suffered from this condition most of my life. A condition that I am still learning to live with. I desire to control things. Lots of things. Not just big things, but little things, important things, and even not so important things. I try and give God a hand, all the time.

Hello, my name is Joanne and I am a recovering control freak.

From what my children wear, who they will hang out with, where they will go to college, what they will eat, to what political party they will subscribe to. Day or night, no time is sacred for my controlling binges.

One thing I’ve learned – people who need to control everything do so out of fear.

Sure, as a mom, there are some things I need to be in control of, but there are more things that I need to let go of. Trying to control and be in control of everything only seems to make me stressed and anxious. I am a flesh and bones creation attempting to do God’s job.

My oldest child is a Senior in high school this year. She’s trying to figure out where she wants to go to college. Being a recovering control freak means that I am trying very hard not to help her and God out too much with this decision. I’m praying very hard against anxiety and fear, and I am attempting to surrender it all to the Lord and feel His peace.

I want desperately to grow in my walk with Him. This means allowing God to handle the cares of my life. Remembering God’s promise to cast my cares upon Him because He cares for me. This is often a day to day, sometimes moment by moment decision.

“Jesus Take the Wheel” is a great country song. But, friends, Jesus doesn’t only want to take the wheel, He doesn’t want me anywhere near the front seat.

And, controlling backseat drivers aren’t allowed either!

“Cast your cares upon Him, because He cares for you.” 1Peter 5:7

7 thoughts on “Control Freak!

  1. Kim

    Oh Joanne you could have been writing my story! The part “people need to control things out of fear” is so true of me. I don’t think I’m in recovery yet, but God isn’t finished! Thanks for the great post!

  2. LaurieLAURIE

    Oh my…I think you were writing my story also! my family says I am ocd, as my kids have grown I have LEARNED to let up alittle bit – its hard but attainable! (ha ha). Thanks for this great devo today! -Laurie

  3. Kim

    Joanne, I’m with you on this one. It’s one of the things that God has been talking to me about recently. It’s a daily surrender, and a tough one. Thanks for sharing. It’s good to know I’m not alone.

  4. Kim

    I am a self proclaiming control freak. But I’m not sure I want to recover! LOL. It keeps most of my posts pretty interesting as I confess to the masses my slight OCD on things. But I am able to laugh at myself about it and that helps.
    But you are right some of that is driven out of fear and I just have to let the Lord take over in those cases.
    Big hugs.

  5. Heather of the EO

    I love this post. I’m a recovering control freak too, so this hits home and was a good reminder for me.

    Love what you said about the song…it’s true, stay out of the front seat. And the backseat driver thing gave me a chuckle. 🙂

  6. Beth

    Oh girl, I feel your pain. I am dreading sending my baby off to kindergarten in another year! I want to hide her from the world. I can’t imagine college!!!!!!!!!