Conversations with God

Have you ever been in a conversation where the other person talked, talked, talked and you just listened? You waited patiently until they were finished hoping to be able to express your thoughts but when they were finished so was the conversation. Sometimes when we have a captive audience it’s…

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No One is Beyond God’s Grace

“God’s law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant. So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing…

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Which Way To Go?

In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety Two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Today, we recognize that achievement. For most people, it’s an opportunity for a day off work or school, or a day they wish they had off. But five hundred years ago, it was pretty remarkable that Columbus and other…

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