Conversations with God

Have you ever been in a conversation where the other person talked, talked, talked and you just listened? You waited patiently until they were finished hoping to be able to express your thoughts but when they were finished so was the conversation.

Sometimes when we have a captive audience it’s easy to just talk about what’s going on in our world without giving the other person an opportunity to contribute. Unfortunately, we can get into the habit of treating God this way.  We often go before Him and tell him everything that is on our hearts and before he can respond the conversation is over.  He doesn’t get time to speak because we’re more interested in being heard than listening.

I will be the first to admit that I sometimes treat God that way, as someone to dump my troubles on and when I’m done it’s on to other things.  When I find myself doing that I quickly repent because in a real relationship the conversation is never one sided. In other to have a true conversation we have to let others participate.

Psalm 25:14 (ESV)

14 The friendship[a] of the Lord is for those who fear him,
and he makes known to them his covenant.

If we want to have a relationship with God that can also be described as an actual friendship then we have to always be ready to listen to what he has to say.  To those He calls friend he makes known the things that are on His heart, things that are beneficial to us.

If you’re like me at times and talk more than you listen when you go before God, I challenge you for the next week to listen more than you talk.  Hear what God is saying to you. Let His voice be heard not just yours.

A conversation is sweeter when both parties participate, after all isn’t that what friendship is all about?

3 thoughts on “Conversations with God

  1. Iris

    So, so true, Bernadine. I often just want to talk, but never listen what God has to say in turn back to us. Great reminder that we need to sometimes just be still before Him.

  2. LaurieLaurie

    Good Word! Not everything needs to be about me, and that goes for conversations with my girlfriends and with God. Teach me Lord, to listen more!! 🙂