Balancing Importance

Luke 2:49-50 “Why were you searching for me? he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” But they [Mary and Joseph] did not understand what He was saying to them.

Ministry is really hard. Even when things are not “ministry” I have a tough time balancing things in order of importance. Fun always seems to be on the top of my list no matter who it is with or what it involves. I am a girl that loves to have a good time – that could be just sitting on the porch giggling with a friend, the kids, or Clay. I love to laugh. But I can honestly say there is nothing I love more than serving His people to bring them closer to the Lord or my greatest joy – bringing them to their first realization of needing a Savior!! That too is fun to me!

So why is ministry so hard then? I have a hard time doing ministry and not letting other things fall way behind. When we made the decision to move to Illinois I seriously thought I would most likely never speak again. That thought alone gave me sheer panic attacks – not really, but sort of. Ministry and specifically speaking is like breathing to me. I knew He had confirmed He was not done with me, but I just could see how it would happen. God was taking away all the “props” – huge mega churches, well known ministry name, many well established speakers to glean knowledge from, opportunity on every corner, extremely supportive Christian radio stations, Bible Belt, etc… So as the calls came in for Jan. – May ’08 the previous year I accepted every engagement. (On top of everything else I had no idea in ’07 I would be moving into another house the following year.) I just knew it was coming to an end and I wanted to do all I could until it was over. Well, what happened – it got very, very tough on my family. I found myself gone 4 or 5 weekends in a row. I found myself speaking 3 or 4 times a week. I found my kids angry with me because mom was always at the computer preparing for the next thing – instead of supper, baseball, basketball, whatever it may be! Clay and I were at each other because of this huge scheduling debacle. I got myself in a serious pickle all in the name of ministry.

I see in the verse above that Jesus has a very similar problem with his parents. They had left Jerusalem after celebrating Passover. Traveling for one day they suddenly realized Jesus, 12 years old at the time, was not with them. It took 3 days to find Him, but where else? – in the temple. I love the momma’s response, “Why have you treated us like this?” And as any 12 year old might respond, “Momma, what’s up? You knew I had to be in here.” But Mary and Joseph did not understand. I am sure it was more than just natural for Jesus to be in the Father’s house. It was His house, it was His Dad’s place, it was were He belonged – just not yet, full time!

For me that is the hard thing about ministry. I know we are dealing with the eternal. I am helping many to understand that if He is absent in their lives, eternity will not be good. It seems like a no-brainer to be involved in and for all to understand the importance of it. But I am not Jesus. I have not figured out how to balance it all for their best. I want to be about my Father’s business, but that does not mean always away from the home. There are 4 little toe heads needing ministering to right at my hips. I certainly never meant to hurt any of my family in this busy ministering time, but ironically I was the one to not understand what HE was saying to me. Hopefully I pray there will be a day to be busy as a bee speaking across the nation or more, but for now I must be about the Father’s business and that is mostly at home.

leigh-grayLeigh Gray is married to Clayton and has four children: Tucker, Emmajoy, Sarahjane, and Elleigh. She is the author of Mommy Moments Devotional booklet and Journaling the Joy of Jesus; an intimate look into her personal walk with the LORD. Leigh is the Co-Founder of Speaking Thru Me Ministries, a fee-free event resource for churches. You can find more information about Leigh Gray at: Speaking Thru Me Ministries or her personal blog Speaking Thru Me

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5 thoughts on “Balancing Importance

  1. LaurieLAURIE

    As a wife of a Pastor I can say a loud amen to what you are saying. Ministry can be very draining, but oh at the same time fullfilling. “Fullfilling the call” – is my hearts desire and sometimes we just have to “make the main thing the main thing” and remember Whom we serve and why we serve! -blessings, Laurie

  2. Heather

    I am right with you (well, not as the speaker) but having to find balance along with ministry. It’s so wonderful to read your honesty through this season of your journey… as I recently had to step down as the Children’s Ministry Coordinator at my church so that I can focus on my marriage, my health, and family. This is where God is leading me right now to be & later – only at His timing – will I step back into a position in ministry; but in the mean time, I can volunteer here & there!
    ~Hugs, HL

  3. LynnLynn

    Hi Leigh,

    Girl, wise words indeed… I know your heart for people I feel that too. A tough thing to balance it all out. Keep on loving Jesus and those toe-heads. BIG hugs.

  4. Leigh GrY

    Hey girls – thanks for the encouragement!! I still struggle, but at least i do realize that keeps me at my Father’s feet!!! Never to be mastered or it will be then that He takes me home – His home!!

    Love you all – Leigh