Look Up

In many respects these are difficult days.  Whether you keep up with the news on a daily basis or just hear an occasional report, it is almost impossible to avoid the fact that our country is in the midst of upheaval.  It seems that everywhere we turn there is disaster, controversy and discontent.  It is easy to simply be overwhelmed by it all.

Many are facing financial troubles.  There have been devastating weather events – such heartbreaking loss of life.  Without getting into politics, there is grave concern about the direction our country is heading.  It is enough to make us lose heart, to feel a bit fearful about the future and to wonder if things will ever be made right.

Rather than using my own words, I wanted to share something I read this week that gave me such hope and encouragement.  Listen to what our Father has to say:

“God sits above the circle of the earth.  The people below seem like grasshoppers to Him!  He spreads out the heavens like a curtain and makes His tent from them. He judges the great people of the world and brings them all to nothing.  They hardly get started, barely taking root, when He blows on them and they wither.  The wind carries them off like chaff.

‘To whom will you compare Me?  Who is my equal?’ asks the Holy One.

Look up into the heavens.  Who created all the stars?  He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name.  Because of His great power and incomparable strength not a single one is missing.  O Jacob, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles?  O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights?  Have you never heard?  Have you never understood?   The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth.  He never grows weak or weary.  No one can measure the depths of His understanding.  He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.  Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion.  But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint.”

Isaiah 40: 22-31

We have a Father who is more powerful, more wise, more holy, more loving than we can possibly comprehend.  What peace to know that we can safely rest in the shelter of His wings – whatever the circumstances.



13 thoughts on “Look Up

  1. Dawn

    So very true! I recently received an e-mail with an amazing power point presentation about the universe and how incredibly small we are as a part of the whole scope of things – I mean our earth, not us individually. Amazing. I should send it to you.

  2. JoanJoan

    Thank you for the wonderful reminder. It is so easy to get caught up and overwhelmed by the events of our times, but praise God that He is watching over it all! We are safe with Him no matter what the circumstances are.

    Living for Him, Joan

  3. linda

    Oh yes! He is Mighty to save. He is our all in all. Through Him, this world came into being and through Him, He shall see us through to Heaven. May we trust in HIm, the Only One Who is truly Trustworthy.
    in peace I journey, ~ linda

  4. Maria

    … Hi Linda…
    These scriptures remind me of one I as thinking of this week… “Greater is he who is in me …that he who is in the world.” Very powerful…
    Hope all is well … Maria
    ps. love your new quilt on the blog!

  5. Debbie

    Linda, what a beautiful reminder of the peace we can experience in Christ, no matter what’s going on in our world.


  6. Iris

    I think the is “whatever circumstances”…no matter how rough our days may be, but I know that when I lay my head down, He was through all of it with me 🙂

    Thank you so much for sharing these powerful passages, Linda.

  7. Laura

    That scripture is just what I needed this morning. Thank you for reminding me to rest my hope in Him and nothing else.