
My little black kitty was running and playing around in the field behind our house when I realized he was not alone. I walked slowly into the field to see not one, but two enormous bald eagles. My husband and I kept following them, wondering when we would scare them off. They perched up high in a neighbor’s tree and as we got closer, I realized how tall they were. From up so high in the sky, they always look majestic, but up close and personal, their size intimidated me.

Eventually, the eagles flew off and we shooed the cat inside for his own well-being. Not long after the close-encounter with the eagles, I was on a walk and one of them swooped right over my head. Being so close to such a majestic bird made my heart beat faster.

I feel privileged to see these eagles (along with some osprey and hawks) on a very regular basis now. I love to watch the eagles effortlessly floating through the sky. They spiral around and gradually rise higher and higher. After a visit to a national park in our area, I learned how these eagles make their flights look so peaceful.

The eagle soars high above the earth by resting with his wings spread open, and by ceasing from activity. He does not flap his wings but instead trusts in the thermal currents to gently carry him up. The warming air rises and takes the bird along for the ride.

Isaiah 40
28 Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

When I am weary and I feel like I’ve been flapping my wings against the wind, He will renew my strength. God requires only one thing of me: to put my hope in Him. When I admit my weakness and rest in Him, He causes me to soar. Like an eagle, I am lifted by His rising current and I find my strength and power in Him alone.

6 thoughts on “Soaring

  1. elaine

    Powerful imagery. Simply resting and trusting in the wind of the Spirit to carry us where he will.

    I think of a quote by Omar Cabrerro (sp?) when he said,

    “God loves ashes because ashes can be carried anywhere by the wind of his Spirit.”

    May he carry us all this day as we rest in his wind.


  2. Shalee

    You notice that the eagles go to great heights to trust in those currents. None of this mamby-pamby “I’ll go 10 feet up and then just see if I’m carried” stuff. Those eagles flap to high points and let go, so full is their faith in that air.

    Oh if only I could have such unwavering faith from my “breath of heaven”, the air that still sustains me even when I only allow myself to be “10 feet off the ground”! I could go so much higher when I learn that it’s not me in control.

  3. LynnLynn


    Wow, where do you live. Amazing to see eagles. Every time I see one, which is rare, I can’t but help think about this scripture. It is no wonder the Lord uses eagles as an anology for us.

    Awesome post. Wish I could visit you and watch them together. Love and hugs, Lynn

  4. eph2810

    Oh – I never knew that about eagles that they don’t flap their wings – that is so neat 🙂 . I have never seen an eagle with my own eyes – maybe one day I will have the privilege to see the majestic bird…

    Your devotion really made the Scripture passage come to life for me…thank you.