Is there room?

As we read the account of Jesus’ birth, we come to the verse that says there was no room in the inn.

“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7

Our minds can’t imagine how the King of kings was born in a stable. We can’t believe that someone wouldn’t make room for a lady about to have a baby. We can’t fathom a baby being born in such conditions. It is easy to say “I’d never let that happen if I had been there.”

Who knows what we would have done in that situation, but how many times in our lives today do we not make any room for Jesus? The distractions of the world are so strong. They pull us away from time with the King. It is easy to say “I’ll read my Bible later today” or “We won’t miss church next Sunday, I just need to stay home today” or “I’ll get in the habit of studying the Word when summer is here or when the kids go back to school (or whatever else, fill in the blank).”

Do you find yourself giving Him the leftovers instead of your best? While it’s good to squeeze in a few minutes of prayer before falling asleep, we need to make it a priority to spend quality time in prayer. Instead of just quickly skimming over a passage and be done with the Bible for the day, we need to take the time to focus and see what God can speak to our personal life.

We are all in different stages of life which means what works for you may not work for me right now. But we can all make it a priority to spend time with the King of kings.

This is something I’ve been thinking about lately, and I challenge you this summer to make worship, prayer, and Bible reading a priority. Make sure you are making room for the King.

Have a day of blessings!

3 thoughts on “Is there room?

  1. Marsha Harwood

    Great challenge, Bethany. We all need to come to the point of realizing how dependent we are upon Him for everything. We were challenged yesterday in church to stop thinking in the “I got this” frame of mind and into the asking God before we go out there and do it in our own strength. When we come to that point, He becomes the priority because He is our life.

  2. Heather Strickland

    You are so right, Bethany. So much goes on during our days that we get so distracted. I have to have quiet time with the Lord early before anyone gets up to set my mind for the day. Thank you for encouraging us today!