Lead Me


“When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?” Psalms 8:3-4

Have you ever stood on a picturesque mountain ridge, overlooking miles of mountain ranges? Have you ever gazed at the sunset as it sent ripples of color over a lake? Or have you enjoyed sunrise over the ocean as the early morning rays spread out in glorious light?

When I am feeling stressed or overwhelmed, spending time in nature helps me to get settled and centered. Nothing soothes my soul better than time at the beach, on a lake, or overlooking the mountains. Communing with the Creator in the glory of His creation, allows me to remember how big He is and how small my cares are, by comparison.

The vastness of sky; the endless borders of the ocean; the craggy heights of the mountains, all testify to how great God is. He, with just a whisper from His holy lips, spoke this world into existence. With just the breath of His nostrils, He breathed into man and he became a living soul. Through the heavenly, global lens, our lives are just a speck in the middle of a universal drama. And yet…and yet, He knows the very number of hairs on our heads. He is aware when just one sparrow falls to the ground. What a vast Savior! What a personal Savior! He is both- simultaneously and without contradiction.


There is no care or problem in life that our Lord has not been acquainted with, while He walked the streets of Jerusalem or the shores of Galilee. He understands our trials, our temptations, our tears. He weeps over our sorrows, He intercedes during our failings. He provides for our every need out of His bountiful supply.

Sometimes, the best thing I can do to get a right perspective, is shift my focus from my tiny viewpoint, to see through His vantage point. I have to be reminded that I am limited by humanity, while He is limitless in sovereignty.


Are you facing an uncertain future? Are your days filled with stress or fears? Ask Him to lead you up His holy hill, to where He abides in truth and love:  “From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” (Psalms 61:2)


Jesus is that Rock that transcends our circumstances. Jesus is the Rock that when the waves of life crash relentlessly on our battered souls, He can lead us, up, up, up…to a place that we are able to believe for more than we see, a place of quiet and rest for our souls.


Dear Lord, you see the things that the readers are facing. I know, Lord that you are greater than our understanding. You are greater than our insecurities. You are deeper than our hopes and desires. I ask you now, O Lord, to cause us to rise up in You. Help us to feel strengthened, encouraged and refreshed. Shift our perspective. Change our hearts. Glorify yourself. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


2 thoughts on “Lead Me

  1. Heather @ Becoming Titus 2 Women

    Nature really does speak of the greatness of God! I love being out in nature and knowing my God created it all. I love the beach and hearing the waves crash or watching the sunset. Thank you for your beautiful words,Sherri!