The Grace Rule

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” ~ Hebrews 4:16 (ESV)

Let me ask you a question this morning: do you judge a book by its cover, or do you dig in a couple of pages before you decide to read the book? To be honest with you, I often look at the cover first. If it seems appealing to me at first sight, I pick it up and than flip through some pages to see if I would like to read it.

This past weekend I was again reminded how fast we judge others by their cover. We don’t stop and ask the question ‘Why are you saying the things you are saying’ or ‘Why are you using such @&!@ language’. I am wondering if we are afraid of what our sister in faith might say. Maybe it is a cry for help? Getting out some frustrations?

I remember a conversation I had with a friend some years ago about Christians using swear words – it was quite a heated argument. Oh, don’t get me wrong; I don’t think we should. Let me be honest with you though – just a couple of weeks ago a word slipped out of my mouth I was not proud of. As soon as it passed my lips, I turned red like a girl getting her first kiss. The people who know me couldn’t believe what they had heard. Yeah, I messed up big time. I apologized not only to the people around me, but to my Lord.

I am glad that God does not judge me by my cover or my daily slip-ups. He digs a little deeper, looking at my heart. Since God applies the grace rule on me daily (not necessarily always a bad word – thank goodness), I think that I need to be more gracious to others when they slip up. Will you do the same?

“You’ve got to think of His grace until you can’t help be like Him.” – Tim Keller

Lord of Heaven and Earth. I am heartily sorry about my daily slips ups. Lord, I am glad that You do look at my heart and not only see my mistakes. I am glad that You apply the grace rule daily. Lord, help me to be more gracious to others when they make a mistake; just as You are with me. I pray this in the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen.

Blessings on your day and always…


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7 thoughts on “The Grace Rule

  1. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Iris – how ironic that the anti spam word to type was the word FORGIVEN. I am so thankful that God applies His Grace. Good devotion this morning. Blessings, Laurie

  2. Marsha

    Oh so true! It’s easy to be judgemental and compartmentalize people. One thing wrong, one slip up, one imperfection and we’re ready to write them off.

    Thank God for GRACE!

  3. Debbie

    Yes, I am so thankful for His grace. Every once in a while something comes out of my mouth and I think “where did that come from?”. Because it’s not something I say on any regular basis but obviously it came out when I got irritated. I hate that!

    I agree that we shouldn’t judge a book or a person by the cover. In our day that’s too often the case so it’s a good reminder.

  4. Bernadine

    Iris I’ve had one of those moments myself recently enough to feel my face heating up as I read your devotion. I’m so glad He applies the grace rule to me daily.
    Thanks for sharing