I Need New Lenses

I lost my glasses one week ago. I looked everywhere — all over my house, in the classrooms where I had last taught, in the Lost and Found on campus… no glasses. Although I can see to drive, and see my students, I cannot read anything without my glasses. So all week I’ve been putting my cheap reading glasses on, and taking them off, and putting them on… you get the idea. I had not realized how much I depended on my prescription glasses to see clearly both near and far.

So when I was looking for some chai to make good, real Indian tea, what did I spy on one of my dining room chairs? My glasses!!! How excited I was to put them on and be able to see clearly!

This reminded me of how we view the world, the people around us, and ourselves. Through what kind of lenses do we view the world? Do we see others in terms of what they can do for us, or what we can do for them? Do we view co-workers as competitors, or people in need of a Savior? Do we tend to see the good in others, or judge others for what is lacking?

As I meditate on the Word of God, I pray God would give me the lenses through which I can understand His Word and apply it to my life.

Psalm 119:18
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law.

God, would you give us spiritual lenses to see You, and to see others as you see them.

Luke 24:31
Then their eyes were opened and they recognized [Jesus].


4 thoughts on “I Need New Lenses

  1. Iris Nelson

    Yes, we need His eyes to see that world around us. I am guilty of just walking through the world without a care for others. By the way, glad you found your glasses.

  2. Katie Sweeting

    Thanks, Iris. I enjoyed the video of the song – Give me Your Eyes. So true! Living in an urban area it’s easy to ignore those around us — there are so many people in so much need! We really do need Jesus’ eyes to see those He is calling us to help.
    Life is so much clearer with glasses!!

  3. LaurieLaurie Adams

    What a wonderful reminder! I too am lost without my glasses and it did me good to reflect on just how I am viewing those around me.

  4. BernadineBernadine

    I can do relate to your story except I can read without my glasses but need them for everything else, lol. Great thoughts to meditate on.