Are Our Words Laced with Grace?

I’ve been seeing it more and more on social media, opinions being shared about people and their wrong doings. In the latest news of family faith actress Lori Laughlin who has been in the news for allegations that she used money to buy her daughters way into college, the hammer has been swinging pretty readily and unfortunately, by many fellow Believers.

It disheartens my heart when I see Christians using their platform to defame or be critical of the choices other people make. While I do not always approve of some things I read about in the media, I don’t think it is Christ-like to be the social media judge and jury. It just isn’t very nice to share a news link and in our comments publicly say they deserve to rot in jail or even imply what kind of punishment they deserve for their crime.

Truth be told, if our own sinful natures could be in the headlines, the Grace and forgiveness of Jesus that has been applied to our wrongdoings could be deemed by onlookers as not what we deserve. By the worlds standards, we don’t deserve the pardon, but God’s love covers everyone and everything.

I’m reminded of the 3 crosses. One Man was there Who did not deserve it. Next to Him, hung two thieves who were justly condemned for their crimes. Over several hours that had passed with these three men hanging side by side towards their death, the two on each side of Jesus mocked and ridiculed Him just as the bystanders did.

So, You’re really the Messiah, are You? Well, save Yourself and us,” (Luke 23:39)

But somewhere between insults, a change of heart took place in one of the thief’s heart. Instead of rebuking the Christ, he rebuked the first thief and reminded him that they deserved what was coming thier way, but Jesus did not.

“Remember me when You enter Your Kingdom”, the thief asked Jesus. To which Jesus responded, “Truly, I tell you, today you will be with Me in paradise.” (Luke 23:42, 43)

The words of Jesus were full of Grace. There was no slander, no condemnation, no social media judge and jury; just love and forgiveness.

Before we cast judgement, whether on a social media platform or just silently in our heart, may we stop and think about the 3 crosses and make sure our words and our actions are laced with Grace. Sinners don’t have to be reminded of their sin, however, they need to be reminded that God loves them and so should we! Let’s season our words (and our social media posts) with some Grace.


@copyright2019 laurieadams

*you can follow all of my devotions over at Facebook: womentakingastand

2 thoughts on “Are Our Words Laced with Grace?

  1. Iris Nelson

    Amen to that, Laurie. You are right, there is a lot of judgement on social media. I often get discouraged by the hate and judgement. May our words indeed laced with Grace at all times.

  2. BernadineBernadine

    “The words of Jesus were full of Grace. There was no slander, no condemnation, no social media judge and jury; just love and forgiveness.”

    So true, Laurie. I find myself saying less and less on social media, however I hope what I do say is seasoned with grace.