Bite ‘n Swallowers Versus Bone Suckers…..

  • In Other Words
  • “Those who read fast reap no more advantage than a bee would by only skimming over the surface of the flower, instead of waiting to penetrate into it, and extract its sweets.”
    ~ Madame Jeanne Guyon ~

    “Tracey Lynne! Stop biting and swallowing like a dog! Slow down and CHEW! You’re going to make yourself sick! You can’t even taste it!”

    So went my poor mother’s lament during countless dinners when I was growing up. I have two speeds- supersonic- and slow-motion. Dinner times- were a mixture of both. If I had something I liked to eat- and something I wanted to do when I was done— I wolfed down my dinner like a hound at the bowl.

    If, on the other hand- I didn’t like dinner or- didn’t have anyone waiting for me to come back out and play… then- it was sloooooow motion. Everyone was finished and the kitchen cleaned up, while I was still eating mac and cheese with ketchup laden fish sticks. (Maybe I was avoiding loading the dishwasher- too;)

    My mothers reminders- (albeit a bit harsh) probably saved me from a number of problems. Gastrointestinal ones, among others. Sometimes- I wish she were here during my devotional times- to give me the same reminders, well- slightly doctored, I suppose. ” Slow down. Taste it. (and see that the Lord is good) Savor it. His word is light and life, wolfing down thoughtless chunks will just leave you sick!”

    My Mom doesn’t live with me. (That’s probably part of the reason we get along so much better now;) But quotes like todays’- speak louder and clearer than Mom’s warnings over mac and cheese, ever did.

    Often- when it comes to reading- I am a skimmer. I get the jist- without all examining all the extraneous details. This is fine- when it comes to bestsellers, or even many non-fiction reads.

    It’s absolutely not fine, when it comes to my devotional life. When it comes to devotions- my Mom was absolutely right. Bite and swallow- leaves me sick. God’s word is hard to digest taken out of content, in chunks that don’t go down. Conversely: sitting there forever- eating nothing, but trying to absorb it through “osmosis” just leaves me starving. Just having an open Bible isn’t enough. Learning to learn it- to get all you can from it- is what we must do.

    My husband is not a bite and swallow kind of guy. As a matter of fact, I do not savor steakhouse dinner dates with my husband. He is a bone-sucker. You know the type. They pick up the bone, and gnaw it until there is nothing left for the poor dog at home. He’s even been known to eat the marrow and whatever fat or gristle that others would leave behind. That man- enjoys his steak. Every last bite. (Unless I’m glaring across the table and begging him to please take it home and suck it there!) The truth is- I can learn alot from him- when it comes to my devotional time.

    I want to eat God’s word, the way my husband eats a steak. Not- choking down bites like childhood mac- and cheese- or sitting there staring at the cover waiting for magic to open it for me— but fully engaged. Mind, Spirit, Body…. thoroughly nourished by His word.

    This requires a few things:

    1) TIME. We’ll never FIND it- we have to MAKE it. We make time to eat food- we need to make time to be in the word.

    2) Appropriate study aids. There are a number of others- but here is a very basic- and helpful starter list. I know that many have and are aware of these- but fo those who aren’t, I want you to know! (Somebody I love told me aand showed me how to use them! 😉

    a) A Good Study Bible– Your Pastor’s recommendation as to version etc. is helpful here. I like the NIV and the ESV. For study and preparation for teaching or speaking- I usually use a parallel Bible that has 8 different versions, side by side.
    b) A Bible Dictionary- A Bible dictionary gives you background on the culture and understanding of relevant wording that helps make sense of many of the confusing verses.
    c) A Good Concordance.- When I am asking God about His opinion on a topic- this is imperative. A concordance, lists key words- with all (some or most- depending on your version) their uses in the Bible.

    3) Understanding of and working within, your temperament and life stage. This is a tough one for me- sometimes. I am in a different season now- than I was 6 years ago. 6 Years ago- my 2 sons were in school all day. Devotional time that was uninterrupted and extensive, was fairly common. Then, God blessed us with a “surprise baby”.

    Life changed again. Preschoolers’ need constant attention, create constant work- and truth be told- some days I’m just glad I got to brush my teeth- let alone crack open my Vine’s or do a word study in my Greek -Hebrew Study Bible! Sure- there are days and times… but not the regularity that I miss.

    This is a season. Since I’ve already been there- done that- I know it’s true by experience. During this season- I’m finding books and Bible on my IPod to be invaluable. I can listen when I’m doing laundry- or to drone out Dora The Explorer.

    Aside from life stage (season) – there is temperament- personality. I know that some struggle with timing. Are you a morning person? Than morning devotions might be best for you. A Night-owl? Then that may be best for you! I know a few people- for whom reading functions as a sedative. KNOCKS them out. Cold. Listening to teaching- or the word set to music, might be a good choice there. As well as focusing on smaller portions of Scripture at one time. For some- movement and activity also helps us to focus. For them, reading on the treadmill or stairstepper is worth a try!

    There is no one answer here. But there is one command. : Deuteronomy 8:3 ” He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.”em>

    Psalm 34:8

    Taste and see that the LORD is good;
    blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

    Dear Lord- Make us bone-suckers! Help us not to bite and swallow…. but to chew and taste and see that you are good! God, I pray that you’ll help us to make time, and to find ways to be nourished in you- that we could have something to serve to others. I love you Lord- amen-

    In the comments- can you list a few things that help you get more out of your devotional/study time?

    For more takes on today’s quote…. Visit Laurel- Laurel is our hostess this week!

    7 thoughts on “Bite ‘n Swallowers Versus Bone Suckers…..

    1. Miriam Pauline

      “God’s word is hard to digest taken out of content, in chunks that don’t go down. Conversely: sitting there forever- eating nothing, but trying to absorb it through “osmosis” just leaves me starving.”

      This really spoke to me. Thank you for sharing!

    2. Laurel Wreath

      Coffee 😉

      Tracey this is beautiful and the story about your husband made me laugh out loud. I need to be more like that in my devotion time also.


    3. LynnLynn

      Savor it. His word is light and life, wolfing down thoughtless chunks will just leave you sick!”

      Tracey.. Amen…. Amen. Another delightful and insightful read. I so appreciate your wisdom and I laughed when you described your husband.. Love and hugs my friend, Lynn

    4. Janna

      I loved the comparison you made to eating. I love my steak too, but when I eat it (usually a filet) I like to savor the taste of each bite. Mmmmmmm…. God’s word can be savored too.

      To answer your question, I think that journaling is essential to getting more out of our devotional time. What I recommend to the new Christian or even the mature Christian who has never journaled is this (for a minimum start):

      1. Get a journal (fancy or not-so-fancy) that you can keep with your bible.
      2. When journaling, write down the following: a) The date. b) The chapter (s) you have just read, and b) a prayer relating to the chapter that you can pray to God asking Him to make a change in your life.

      Journaling helps us to meditate on the scriptures because I have to process it in my mind so it can come through my pen onto the paper (or my keystrokes on my blog). If anyone hasn’t journaled in this manner, I guarantee that your devotional time will be changed in a mighty way.

    5. eph2810

      I actually use time during the day or at night to read His word. And I cut down my daily portion – not all at once, just one chapter at a time…That sure helps me.
      Janna – thank you for your additional resources – I am not good at journaling – I start and don’t continue *sigh*

    6. Erna

      I think it’s great that you shared several tools to help others on their journey of studying God’s Word. I also like how you pinpointed all the different temperaments, etc.

      One thing that helps me as I read through the Word is having a journal nearby. I tend to read at night with a book light on so I don’t disrupt others’ sleep. Yep, like to read the main course at night and like to read in bed . . . something I did since I was young. So, having a journal close by to record thoughts or to write down Scripture I want to search out at a later time works well for me. I also jot down Scripture that I use as part of my prayer journal regarding roles of wives, husbands, etc. I believe God’s Word does not return void and I try to only take Scripture to pray if it can be taken from its original context and not lose meaning. It brings it into my heart a little more. 🙂