The Blind Shall See

Flickr image: Coffee Monster morning as I was reading I suddenly couldn’t see. I looked down and realized that the right lens had popped out of my glasses. Since I wear bi-focals (and have since college) this is a major dilemna. Without my glasses I am pretty useless.

I sent my children to go find a tiny screw driver and set about trying to repair my wayward glasses. The trouble with glasses is that when they fall apart, I can’t see the tiny hinge and screw to fix them. My glasses are what allow me to see, without them

everything, including my glasses is a blur. Without my glasses I must rely on my children or husband to help me fix them. After many attempts and much encouragement from my fascinated children, I got them back together and back on my face.

The thing that struck me while I was fumbling about trying to fit the lens back into place was that I am in a similar place spiritually. Right now my spiritual glasses are being mended and I can’t see my way clearly. Normally, with the help of the Bible, the Holy Spirit’s clear leading, and my beliefs, I can see my way pretty clear. However, right now, my spiritual glasses are being mended. My life is all shaken up and everything I thought to be true about who I am in Christ has been removed, at least for a time. I can’t rely on my past experiences, on my doctrinal beliefs, or even on what I have read in His Word (all these make up my spiritual glasses through which I view my world) and instead must rely solely on Him, on His quiet voice, on His leading through my current circumstances, on what He is speaking to me through his Word now and through older, wiser Christians. I am blinded for the moment and must lean completely on Him until He cleans my spiritual glasses a bit, fixes whatever is wrong with them, and hands them back, giving me new and clearer vision.

I hate being without my glasses. I get headaches when my world is blurry. I look forward to seeing clearly again–and I know that when the vision returns my sight will be so much clearer than what it was before because my well-worn beliefs get just as scratched and smudged as my real glasses making my vision much less clear than it should be.

Lord, I look forward to seeing better, clearer, to having a better understanding of who I am in You. Lord, in the meantime, lead me and guide me, grow me closer to You as I lean in lest I stumble. Lord, whatever Your plan, I pray that it would be over and above my small plans and visions.

So, how is your vision? Are you seeing things His way?

3 thoughts on “The Blind Shall See

  1. Laurel Wreath

    Sometimes I find it difficult to even see beyond my two feet. I get frustrated, I get scared, I get angry, but the Lord is there lead me even when I pout. I know what you speak of I have been there. Just look to Him and suddenly you will see your way out, it takes time, it takes patience. It reminds me of the child game where one closes their eyes, and they have to “trust” the other one to lead them safely to the end. That is how our walk with Christ is sometimes, the good news is he will never lead us to pain, but to victory.

    Blessings sweet friend.

  2. eph2810

    Not clearly right now. There are many things on my mind, but I have to wait on Him and ask others to pray for me…I am very impatient sometimes, which is not a good thing. I want to hurry, but some things take just time…

    Thank you for your wonderful wonderful words of wisdom. Praying that God will hand you back your spiritual glasses soon…

    Blessings on your evening and always.

  3. stayathomemotherdom

    I think our deepest spiritual growth stems from those times when we couldn’t see…