A Lasting Legacy

“One generation shall praise Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts.  On the glorious splendor of Thy majesty, and on Thy wonderful works, I will meditate.  And men shall speak of the power of Thine awesome acts; and I will tell of Thy greatness.  They shall eagerly utter the memory of Thine abundant goodness, and shall shout joyfully of Thy righteousness.”                                                                         Psalm 145:4-7

 Legacy thoughts seem to always be present in my mind.  Thoughts that are more like threads on a weaver’s loom. Strands of thought that ask, what can I weave into the hearts and lives of those around me so they will walk closer with the Lord?  Will it be said of me that I lived my life with purpose?  Will those my life has been woven into be able to say, “She was uniquely designed by God and she used that uniqueness to passionately serve others in a spirit of humility for the purpose of bringing glory to God.”  (My personal purpose statement.) “She lived simply, laughed often and loved deeply.”  (My life motto.)

 A legacy isn’t something to be bequeathed when I’m gone.  It is a work in progress, being woven into the lives of those around me.  If  I want to leave something, I must first possess it so I can give it.  I just can’t wish it into existence.

 All of us, regardless of age, should be legacy weavers.  Every word spoken to me and every deed done by others has added color and texture to my life.   I’ve been blessed to have men and women from multiple generations move the shuttle of their life’s thread across the warp and woof on the loom of my life, creating a beautiful work of art.   Some of those threads have been dark and course to the touch.  But it is the dark colors that add the contrast to a tapestry and highlight the brighter colors. 

 A well woven tapestry will become a priceless heirloom and passed down to the generations to come.   Likewise, a life that has been lived to honor the Lord will create a lasting legacy that brings honor to His name. 

When the loom of my life lies silent, what will the tapestry of my life reveal?  Will it be something those around me will cherish?  How many lives will it affect with eternal purpose?  May the words displayed on the finished work say, “This was a woman after God’s own heart. She walked with God.”



A Lasting Legacy

Every one of us will leave a legacy.
The legacy we leave is determined by
The threads we choose to weave,
Not by the number of years we live.

A well designed legacy is woven
Into the hearts of others
With varying shades of love and hope,
And gentle textures of friendship and compassion.

Each memory holds
A thread of laughter, a tassel of joy,
Creating a blanket of warmth
For those receiving the legacy.

Every one of us will leave a legacy.
But first we must let it live through us.
It matters not the number of years we live,
But rather the threads we choose to weave.


By Marsha & Laura Harwood Sawyer

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12 thoughts on “A Lasting Legacy

  1. LynnLynn


    I was deeply touched by this. Beautifully written and inspiring and so filled with truth. May I ask the same, I want to copy this and use it in the future at my place?

    Love you girl. Have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  2. Sheryl

    What can I weave into the hearts and lives of those around me so they will walk closer with the Lord?

    I’m going to remember that.

  3. eph2810

    Oh, Marsha, what a powerful post. Yes, yes…I am asking that God will use me to His glory. You know – that is what it is all about…pointing others to Him, His power and strength. Kind of funny, but I meditated on the Scripture you have used on Saturday — marvelous passages…

    Thank you so much for your encouragement today…

  4. elaine

    Priceless words on weaving and leaving a legacy! I’m so glad I popped over here today. Your words paint richly and have given me some good reflection this afternoon.


  5. Peggy

    Marsha …May YOUR LEGACY live on…and from what I have seen of what you have woven…there is a such a legacy being left that says:
    “She was uniquely designed by God and she used that uniqueness to passionately serve others in a spirit of humility for the purpose of bringing glory to God.” “She lived simply, laughed often and loved deeply.” You are serving your personal statement & lfe motto well.
    You have delivered a powerful tapestry that proclaims a lasting legacy seeking Him! Thank you for blessing us, may you be blessed in return.

  6. Pam

    I want to be someone that people will know as a follower of God. Someone that followed the true North in her heart.

  7. BP

    “If I want to leave something, I must first possess it so I can give it.”

    This is so simple yet so profound and true. I enjoyed your post.

  8. MicheleMichele

    Beautifully said sis! I wonder what my tapestry looks like and says? You have given us much to think about. We are a work in progress….


  9. Doylene

    Your post warmed my heart. I try to hide bits and pieces of my day in my heart to be remembered at special quiet time with the Lord. I enjoyed reading your post. In Christ, Doylene