A Promise Kept

Eight years ago I wrote a book.  It was the result of two years of work.  I laughed and cried as I wrote and sometimes stopped writing for months at a time because I couldn’t handle it emotionally. The book started out as a notebook full of memories that I started jotting down just after my mother died.

I felt so cheated when she died.  I felt cheated that she would not be there for some of the big moments of my life.  One of the things I mourned most was that should I marry and have children my family would never know the gift that God gave me in the form of my mom.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8 (NKJV)

I couldn’t bear that. So I wrote a book for them, my future family.  I called it Remembering Mommy… Beautiful Memories from a Daughter’s Heart. I poured all of my love and emotions in writing my mom’s story, with photos to illustrate, from my viewpoint as her much loved baby girl. Writing the book was a form of therapy for me as I remembered all that was noble, just, pure, lovely and praiseworthy about my mom.

When I finally finished the book I ordered a beautifully bound hardback copy. I viewed it as the fulfilment of a promise I had made to my mother.  Before she died I promised her that whoever came into her family through me would know and love her.

October 1st made 10 years since my beloved mother died.  I pulled out the book that I have shared with my husband of almost two years, and I read about her, my mother, my pastor, my friend and so much more.

Tears flowed.  They don’t flow as much now as in the earlier years but sometimes I find myself missing her and before I know it I’m blinking back tears.  On those days I remind myself that there won’t always be this separation…

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. Revelation 21:4 (NKJV)

6 thoughts on “A Promise Kept

  1. Katie

    Thanks for sharing Bernadine. I know how you feel. When my dad died I also wrote about 125 pages, though I didn’t make a book out of it. My mom died over the summer and I have found writing very healing and cathartic. I guess we writers can find writing through our pain brings healing and peace.
    I identify with you and sympathize with you.

  2. Laurielaurie

    Oh wow. What a beautiful tribute and legacy. I too found release in writing about my mom when she passed away 2 years ago. May God continue to bless you and use you! ((hugs))

    1. BernadineBernadine

      Thank you, Laurie. It’s lovely to go back and read memories that may fade over time. So happy that you found release in writing about your mom also. It’s like they’re still touching lives even after they’re gone?

  3. Iris

    I hear you about missing your mom. I just returned from Seattle and I so wanted to call mine to tell her about it.
    I think it is awesome that you are written the book to remember her and to share with your own family now. <3

  4. BernadineBernadine

    I know how you fee, Iris. For the longest time after my mom died I’d pick up the phone to call her then I’d remember… Thanks for your awesome support always.