A Wedding Celebration

Don’t you just love a wedding. The beautiful bride, the handsome groom, the fragrant flowers, the excitement, the delicious food, the smiling guests, the lovely music, and all the other trimmings. There is so much preparations that go into a wedding. Sometimes I think each one is trying to out do the one before. I remember when we got married 26 years ago we had cake, mints, and nuts at the reception. Not anymore! Full food buffets! Which is great unless you are the one paying for it. But it is such a wonderful time of celebration, a wedding. The bride has been planning diligently for months to make it all happen just as she wants it. The rushing around at the last minute, little things you think you forgot. Then it is time. All of the hard work has been worth it. A wonderful, beautiful day filled with love! The prewedding music begins and you know it is time.

For the last few days I have had a song going through my mind. It is an old song, I can’t even remember all of it. But the chorus says, “Is that wedding music I hear? The Bride’s adorned and ready to appear. Heavenly preparations, for a wedding celebration. Is that wedding music that I hear? ” I do believe it is getting closer and closer to time for our wedding. Time when our heavenly bridegroom will appear. Time when He will call us home to that beautiful place He has prepared for us. Time for the Marriage Supper. Time when we will bask in His love and mercy. Time when all the work and faithfulness will be worth it all. If we listen with our spiritual ears we can begin to hear the prewedding music. We can feel it in the atmosphere. It is almost time.

Lord, help me to be in tune with what you are doing. Help me to not get so busy that I don’t realize just how close we are to your coming. Help me to be watching and listening. Let me know that the music I hear in my spirit is just prewedding music. We are so ready to see your face. We are so looking forward to that wonderful, beautiful day filled with love from the Bridegroom.

2 thoughts on “A Wedding Celebration

  1. Iris

    So true, Rese. Weddings take a long time to plan and prepare for.
    I am looking forward to the day I see Jesus face-to-face. I pray that, when He returns, that I have done the things He had planned for me to do.