Amazing Grace

“Then King David went in and sat before the LORD, and he said: “Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? And as if this were not enough in your sight, O God, you have spoken about the future of the house of your servant. You have looked on me as though I were the most exalted of men, O LORD God.” 1 Chronicles 17:16-17 NIV

Lately I have been pondering the goodness of God’s amazing grace. Some of it probably has to do with the current book I am reading by John MacArthur in which he outlines so beautifully the gospel message that Jesus brings us. Some of it has to do with some popular notions in Christianity today that says God isn’t concerned so much with our sin as long as we make a public profession of faith. I really have been bothered by the current trend to diminish sin. God’s amazing grace has everything to do with our sin.

Scripture is very clear – God demands a ransom, a payment, a restitution for our sin. Romans 6:23 in the NIV says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” There is a price to pay for sin. God is holy and perfect and just and He cannot fellowship with sin. Yet in that truth lies the beauty of exactly why Jesus died on the cross. No matter what we have done, no matter how many times we have done it, no matter how wretched we think we are – when we make Jesus our Savior and Lord and repent from sin, He promises forgiveness. He provided Jesus to be our atonement. We can have total and complete forgiveness and eternal life. When popular messages today diminish the role of sin, they only diminish the atoning work on the cross and the price Jesus paid so that we could be free from the bondage of sin.

Our church’s VBS theme this summer was Lifeway’s Outrigger Island. One song from VBS that has stuck with me was called “A-wiki; B-wiki; C-wiki.” It had cute and catchy Hawaiian sounds and a fun little dance. But the words are something those kids will remember: A – Admit to God you are a sinner and repent and turn away from your sin (Quickly Quickly); B – Believe that Jesus is the Son of God and He gave His life for you and Me; C – Confess Him as your Savior and your Lord forevermore (it isn’t tricky). The words are so true.

I was reading the biography of John Newton, the author of the hymn “Amazing Grace.” I read on Wikipedia that despite the lyrics to that song, John Newton lived some of his life in sin and disobedience to God. One night while on a ship in a terrible storm, Newton left the deck and was replaced by men who were suddenly swept overboard. It was reported that as he manned the vessel he realized his helplessness and his dependence on God’s grace for salvation. This was a turning point in his spiritual journey. It wasn’t until 1779, some fifty years after his birth, that he penned the words to that beautiful hymn.

John Newton is just a small example of God’s grace. When he committed to following Jesus, he surrendered totally everything – including his sinful ways.

That is God’s amazing grace. He takes sinners and makes them pure. He forgives them and makes them His own. John MacArthur had made a statement in a sermon about the death of Jesus on the cross. He taught that Jesus was treated as the most unjust person on the cross so that we could be treated as righteous. Jesus bore our sins. He paid our penalty. He offers us amazing grace and that is why his grace is so beautiful.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That sav’d a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears reliev’d;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believ’d!
Thro’ many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promis’d good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease;
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who call’d me here below,
Will be forever mine.
John Newton, 1779

12 thoughts on “Amazing Grace

  1. eph2810

    You are right, Renee. Very often is the death of Christ diminished by what is written these days. I am saddened by it…Thank you so much for sharing words of grace with us today…

    Be blessed today and always.

  2. Bobbie

    What an amazing gift we have received. Sometimes it is hard to wrap my mind around all that Christ went through for us. I have always felt like I wasn’t worthy of anything why be worthy of the most awesome gift there is?

    Sometimes we are so hard headed in believing that we can do everything on our own that it takes something really really big and life altering to realize that we can’t. I think God puts these obstacles in our path so that we remember. Remember to lean on Him. In the big and the small. When things are going right and smooth we forget God, we need to remember Him then also.

    You know sometimes I start writing and forget where I am going with something I do apologize.

    Good devotion. I have been looking for something that helps me think and learn more. I think I have found it. lol.

  3. Pam

    I am so glad I have found this blog and place to read a story or devotion everyday. Thanks for your beautiful thoughts today.

  4. LynnLynn

    Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
    That sav’d a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found,
    Was blind, but now I see.

    Renee, I am going to be singing these precious words all day. Hugs. Thank you.

  5. Tammy

    God’s grace has always amazed me and it is something I ponder on often…I love Ephesians 1:7&8a “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He lavished on us.”

    I love the picture of God lavishing us with his grace! 🙂

  6. Mari

    May the cross be remembered and revered for what is was and is, the only way our lives be saved! Thank you for the reminder.

  7. Kathie

    Hi! I found your link at CWO blogroll. What a wonderful site you have. I’ve added you to my daily reads and I so enjoyed this post. The thought confounds me how He can love me so much, even knowing all my faults. That is truly amazing grace.. lol.. 🙂