Answering the Call

It won’t sound like a ringing phone.

It won’t sound like a doorbell.

It is distinct–to the recipient.  You will know.  Your heart will burn within you–an indescribable joy, that will bring definite tears.  Joy does that sometimes.

I remember well the day the call came for me.  Driving home in the setting sun, I had experienced the presence of God so strong for over a week–almost as if He were hovering near–just waiting for the perfect moment to lean over and whisper in my ear.

The moment came.  I had been driving and looking at the skies, giving Him loud praise and glorifying Him on the way home from work.  Out loud I began to lift my voice in worship to Him–tears began to fall.  Soon, the drive became non-existent.  I can’t even tell you how I arrived home safe and sound, the conversation was so enrapturing.

The intensity grew in my spirit–until I felt I would burst if I didn’t respond.

“YES”! I will serve YOU!  In whatever manner You choose!

“What will serving Him look like”, I wondered to myself.  At that point, it didn’t matter.  Just as long as I was able to be near Him, able to feel and hear Him.  That’s all that mattered to me.

Almost two years have now passed since our conversation while driving.  I’ve cleaned some toilets vacummed, mopped, and scrubbed for Him.  I’ve cooked meals and fed hundreds this summer, spoke at retreats, Bible Studies, and preached my first message on Mother’s Day last year.  

Some of these jobs are so unpredictable (along with the finances).   But it’s all serving.  Not one single job is more important than the other.  Since the saying yes to His call, there has not been a day that I would change and go back to the predictable

Recently I watched the last few minutes of a “football” movie.  I love movies about sports characters.  Baseball, football or basketball.  This one I had not seen from the beginning, but I caught the most important part.  It was “for me”.

One of the lead characters of the movie had damaged his knee–irreparably so.  He was told by his doctor that it needed “rest”.  The doctor didn’t give him a pass to play, yet the young man, so in love with the sport, lied to the coach and played.  He didn’t last 10 minutes.

Now the damage was worse than before.  Never would he play again.  Days later, sitting in his uncles car, this teenager sobbed like a baby.   “What is there to live for if I can’t play?  That’s all I ever dreamed of doing! What else is there?” 

His response to his mistake of playing when he was told “let it heal”—was a cry of desperation. 

“What else is there”?

When I saw that scene, heard those words, I became so much more aware that since hearing my Father call my name—there is NOTHING else for me.  But to follow Him.
I must preach His word.  I must share HIS LOVE.  I must tell others HOW GREAT MY FATHER IS. 
I MUST.  There is nothing else in this life.
Have you heard that call?  Would you join me in this prayer?



I first thank You for placing the call on my life.  I know that Your Word says that You have a plan for my life—a plan to prosper me and not harm me. 

I place everything I am and have in Your hands.  To do with as YOU see fit. 

I ask Lord that you show me those things about my personality that are a hindrance, I ask that You help me address them, help me see Your way—help me overcome my flesh so that I can know the calling You have ordained before the foundations of the world for me to accomplish and bring You glory.

Father, I know there are lives to impact for You.  Souls that need to find You—and You have strategically placed me —at this particular time to touch lives and bring Your love into clear focus for another.  They may not understand—but they can see me and they can see what YOU have done in my life. 

LORD, as I begin to see things that I need to lay aside, help me desire Your Word more than ever before—for it is by Your Word that I will grow.  It is by Your Word that I will have spiritual food to feed the hungry.  Enable my spiritual ears to hear and know Your voice—enable my mind to understand.  I want to experience more than I have ever experienced before in You.  Help me take on the mind of Christ.  Enable me to “think” what is pleasing to You.  I know that I must do my part—and my part is in getting into Your Word—for that is where Your voice is found.

I know that You won’t “take my life”,  I must willingly offer it up as a sacrifice.  Father, today—that’s what I give.  I give You me.  As insignificant as I may feel so often. 

I know that so many times what we feel as insignificant—YOU use to do significant things.  Not just some times…but LORD, every time.  You amaze me.

As I give myself over to You, I will be listening.  Every day—to hear from You —a word—a direction—a renewed passion.  Fresh thoughts—Spirit inspired ideas with a fresh anointing.  Do in me all that You desire. 

I am willing Lord—to be the vessel—the instrument that can bring another life to You.

In the holy name of Your Son, Jesus I pray, commiting all to Your capable hands,  Amen.


© Angie Knight 2011. All Rights Reserved.  Used by permission.

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