Have you ever wished you could go back to how things use to be? Sometimes, it would be advantageous to turn back the clock, but I never want to go back to what I once was. I heard a Pastor say, “Sometimes returning to familiar places reminds you of the…
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Our memory can be something tricky. I, for one, find my memory just isn’t what it use to be. In fact, I find myself writing down a lot of things that seem to be important for me to remember. The problem with my “lists” is that I have to remember…
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If you are seeking joy and peace in your life, you must not leave out the key element : FORGIVE YOURSELF! I am the type of person that no matter the depth of the hurt inflicted upon me, I can forgive. Sometimes, it takes a little longer than other times,…
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Have you ever tried to find something that seemed impossible to find? Some might refer to that as looking for “a needle in a haystack.” In other words, it is nearly impossible. I have encountered many “impossible” situations in my life, in fact, some of the impossibilities caused me to…
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This past weekend I was shopping with my husband and as I was looking thru a stack of clearance books in one aisle, I heard a stern man’s voice on the other side of the aisle, “Son, put that back”, the father continued, “we do not steal, son!” Again, his…
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