Often, God takes us through seasons that we just simply do not understand. This reminds me of the “why” stage our kids go thru when they are young. “Why is the sky blue? “Why do cows say moo?” “Why mommy, why?” Can I remind you today that sometimes the why…
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Even though we are surrounded by safety gadgets, we still live in a world of anxiety and fear. It seems no matter how large of a police force that we form in our communities, there still is crime. It is nearly impossible to erase all fear in our society; if…
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After finishing the hearty dinner of all of his favorite things, my husband asked, “Is there more?” He wasn’t asking because he was still hungry and was thinking of a second plate. He asked because he wanted to come back for more tomorrow. Isn’t it a great feeling when there…
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I remember when my children were in school and they would come home reluctant to show us their report card or a grade on a project that they had worked so diligently over. Sometimes the grades would bring a tear or even fear that we, as their parents, would be…
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In our recent move we had to buy a new stove. We purchased our stove from a local well known store about a month ago and anticipated our new appliance the following week for delivery. However, on the expected day of delivery we got word that our stove was received…
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