Be Counter Culteral

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
(Philippians 2:3-4 ESV)

I do not like summers in Arizona. People are even more rude than normal when the temperatures rise above 100F. You will really notice that everyone is out for themselves in traffic. You better get out of the way if you are not driving at least 50 in town. I guess the heat really irritates most people. I have to say for myself that my fuse is a little shorter during summer as well.

Paul is talking in Philippians 2 about how we should not do anything from selfish ambition or conceit. We need to be more humble and understanding. We should put the interest of others before our own.

Last week I read a wonderful devotion by Pastor Rick Warren and the below quote hit home:

“Do you realize how counter cultural it is to give up your right to something? Yes, you have rights, but there’s a better way to get your needs met than demanding your rights. You can be tender without surrender, and you can be understanding without demanding.” (Devotion from 06/05/14)

It appears that we have become more and more about out rights than about service. But how about if we started serving others more? Show the world what it truly means to be a follow of Jesus? Not a world of rules and regulation, but a world that is taught in the Bible? Yes, we may be counter cultural when we put others before our own needs, but isn’t that what Jesus did?

Although Jesus took time out when He needed strength, He always fed the people with God’s Word and nourishment for the body (see Mark 8:1-10). May we also reach out to the hunger and thirsty of this world so that they can see Jesus through us.

Lord of heaven and earth. Thank you for equipping us with Your Word to face the world. Lord, may we show the world what it means to be a follower of the Word. May we, with Your help, put others needs before out own. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen

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3 thoughts on “Be Counter Culteral

  1. LaurieLaurie

    Amen. Our culture dictates the opposite…fend for yourself, take care of you and yours but that is not what Jesus displayed. Serve others. That is what it is all about. Good Word Iris!