Be still

My email stated I wasn’t available for the conference call scheduled for a Wednesday evening. The reply informed me of a switch to a Tuesday night to accommodate my schedule. Wonderful. Only one problem I wasn’t available then either. My mind ran various scenarios – leave book club early, join call late, on and on and on.


”Trust me”

”Leave it in my hands”

“Okay, Lord I will.”

Over the next day or so as my mind wandered to my upcoming scheduling conflicts, I remembered something I read a few years ago. Praying and pondering Psalm 46:10 helped me focus.

“Be still and know that I am God.

Be still and know that I am.

Be still and know.

Be still.


A few days later, an email from a book club member requested a change to another date. All the members agreed to the new date.

Wow! Thank you, Lord.

“He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

Henri Nouwen in a devotional about Psalm 46:10 states:

”Be still and acknowledge that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) These are words to take with us in our busy lives. We may think about stillness in contrast to our noisy world. But perhaps we can go further and keep an inner stillness even while we carry on business, teach, work in construction, make music or organize meetings. It is important to keep a still place in the “marketplace.”…without that still space we start spinning. We become driven people, running all over the place without much direction. But with that stillness God can be our gentle guide in everything we think, say or do.”


7 thoughts on “Be still

  1. LaurieLaurie adams

    In the fast paced life we all live, being still is hard but I’ve come to realize that it is in my stillness that God’s voice becomes the clearest. Good Word today!

  2. Doris Kallberg

    Love your thoughts! I am a good friend of Bobbie’s! Will enjoy hearing more from you.