The Birds and the Beast

Baby birds in the nest remind us of kids leaving homeFour baby barn swallows peered over the edge of the mud nest their mother had built on a wall in a corner of our patio. They were eagerly waiting for their mother to return with breakfast. I had a really good view of the feathered family from my bedroom window. From there I could watch all the activity without disturbing them. “This is going to be great,” I thought. “I can watch them grow, learn to fly, and then leave the nest.”

Then I remembered the beast. Our ninety pound, yellow lab dominates the back yard. Did the baby birds have a chance against a dog that pulls trees up by the roots? Maybe it would be better for the babies to never leave the nest. The mama bird could continue to feed them. Of course the daddy bird would have to build an addition to the nest…

Two days later I stood at the bedroom window again. One baby clung to the edge of the nest and one was perched beside it on a brick that jutted out from the wall. It was time for flying lessons! Mother Swallow called to them from atop a blade of the patio ceiling fan about five feet away. The beast lay on his side by the back door seemingly unaware of the unfolding drama. The baby on the brick hopped off into space, untested wings flapping. He dipped low, coming within eighteen inches of the ground. I held my breath. The beast slept on. Then the baby’s wings caught air and he awkwardly joined his mother on the fan blade. Whew! One down, three to go.

Within a few days, all four baby birds had successfully learned to fly. At first they only flew to the ceiling fan, then back to the nest. As the days went by they became a little more adventurous and visited the roof and the large tree beyond the patio. Then one day they were gone. The nest stayed empty. Their mother had done her job and they were on their own.

A new school year is here. Many of us are sending kids off to college. Some of you are sending the last child – your baby. My youngest child, Mark, will be leaving soon for his second year of college. Each time he leaves I wonder:  Will he be careful? Will trouble find him? Will he watch out for those “big, yellow labs?”

Yet, today God brought one of His many promises to mind. Nothing happens to a single sparrow that isn’t within God’s will. If He cares that much for a sparrow, how much more does He care for Mark? And how much more does He care for your child?  They are worth more than many sparrows (Matthew 10:29-31).

So let’s pray – and watch from the fan blade with squawks of encouragement.

Are you sending a child off to school? What is your favorite way to pray for them?

7 thoughts on “The Birds and the Beast

  1. Kay

    Kathy, Thanks for this post. I am one of those mamas who last birdie just left the nest. My youngest began college this Monday and I already have one who is there (and about to graduate! and move off to Seattle!) Your encouraging and hopeful words settled my heart today. Blessings to you!

    1. Kathy Howard

      Kay, another thing I’ve taken comfort in is that I’ve learned we will always be their mommas! Even though they aren’t living with us all the time. There are those moments when they still need us!

  2. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Great devo Kathy! I am holding on tight to my little birdie, last one at home and she is a senior in high school now! Oh my. But just as He keeps an eye on the sparrows, I know He is watching over her as well (and her mommy). 🙂

  3. Iris

    Our son took flight a while ago. It is important that we continue to pray for the protection of our children.