Calming the Storm

“But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” ~ Mark 4:38-40 (ESV)

Last week I had mentioned on my personal blog about ‘one of those mornings’…you know first all goes well, all of a sudden things go not as planned… I am sure you had one or two of those yourself. But let me start from the beginning.

My weekday alarm is set for 4:15 and 4:35. I know better to set two times on my alarm. I don’t hit the snooze button, but the off button 🙂 . Most days my feet hit the floor by 4:40am — I just like to lay flat on my belly to pray before I get my day started.

Last week was no different. Actually I made it out of bed by 4:25; Girls – I was so excited to have an extra 15 minutes. I made my coffee in leisure time, set down with my Bible and started to read the Psalms – best way to wake up. I was even able to read a second Psalm before getting coffee started for my beloved. I was almost in heaven.

My morning started out well; extra time with God, little chat with my Sweetheart – off I went into the shower. I was done in record time. Amazing – just amazing. I sat down to read a couple of emails, visited a couple blogs. And than it started…my morning unraveled. The coffee maker beeped to let me know that the coffee for my Sweetheart was ready to be poured into the thermos.

I could not believe me eyes – all I made was hot water. I forgot to add the coffee. Oh dear, now I started to panic. It was 6:25 and I had to start all over with the coffee. No problem you think? Well, let me tell you. The hot water was just the beginning. My curling iron had turned off, because I was doodling around for too long, made coffee without coffee-grinds, and the bagel was still to be made. I finally made it out of the house by 7am – was 15 minutes late.

Now you are wondering where God comes in. Well, He actually kept me calm. Calm in my little morning storm. If this would have happened to me years ago, I would have blown a fuse and would have fussed over my morning drama.

I was reminded that even though that was just a little storm, He was there to calm me. His Spirit helped me to take my focus off of my little disaster; to just plow through it. Isn’t that what He does in the big storms of life? He is always there to calm the storm – to tell the rough sea to be still and obey Him.

I know that my little morning storm doesn’t compare to the struggles you might be going through right now. You might be going through a rough spot in your marriage; you might have just lost a loved one; you might go through a serious illness. My sweet friend, believe me – I have been there and guess Who else. Our Lord! Hold on to Him – He will carry you to the calm waters.

Lord of Heaven and Earth. I praise You through the big and small storms of life. You are always there to calm the storm and to calm us. Lord, You are our strength and peace in life. Thank You for Your never ending love to see us through everything. In the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen.

Blessings on your day and always…

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13 thoughts on “Calming the Storm

  1. Kim

    I am amazed to at the calm of God that comes over you in lifes storms. A while back I was having issues with my oldest. Dad was gone away on Business, Sunday Morning, wanted to take DS to church. Ah I don’t think so. Anyway he escalated, and I was so amazed at how calm I stayed. I finally said “I don’t know what is obsessing you right now, but in the name of Jesus I say stop” Not even a minute later he was calm and apologizing! Tee Hee! In the past that wouldn’t have been me either! Call me ranting raving lunatic!!! Thanks for the post, and the smile of rememberance!

  2. Heather Lynn

    I love this blog! I am encouraged by how you are looking for God in all areas of your life. In the big things and little things. Thank you
    for stimulating me to keep God first.

  3. LindaLinda

    Iris – It is like sitting down and having a little chat with a dear friend to read your posts. Thank you so much for sharing this. Yes – He is there to calm the storms in our lives – the little showers and the huge tempests that we don’t think we can possibly survive.
    I am so encouraged. Thank you sweet friend.

  4. Mary Lou

    Don’t you just love it when He calms us and NOT the storm. It always amazes me to be calm and the “sea is raging” around me….What a great and awesome God we have….Blessings on you for sharing your heart.

  5. Angie

    Iris…couldn’t help but laugh…just a wee bit…as the pictures rolled through my brain. Grin.
    I love you! Thanks for your honesty and encouragement EVERY.Single.Time. I feel like I’ve had more storms this year and we are only 16 days into it! than in the last 6 months!
    Bless you and your morning/evening/all the time!

  6. Heather CHeather@mommymonk

    Oh Iris, what in the world are you doing getting up so early? Glad you had peace even when things were falling apart. It seems like every day is like that around here. 🙂

  7. Denise

    Thank you for this observation today. It was timely and much needed reminder of what God can do! I’m in the midst of a health issue and I’ve let this ‘storm’ blow me off course several times and today was looking like one of those days… God bless you.

    You’re encouragement is a true blessing!

  8. TNChick

    Wow, you get up early!

    I am amazed when I can be calm through a storm. I know it is only because of Him. There are times I struggle to be clam during a storm – it’s an ongoing process… but I always make it out OK!

  9. LynnLynn


    I am just like you. I would blow a gasket over the small stuff. BTW, YOU DO get up early. Yikes! Love and hugs, Lynn

  10. Denise W

    I am always blessed to come here and read….. and I have always found that God is never moved whether it is in the large things in our lives or the small things…He always remains the same…… He is a constant in our world of turmoil…… as I grow older I so appreciate His calm still voice amid all the yelling………….

  11. BernadineBernadine

    Coffee without the coffee and your curling iron all in the same morning after getting up at 4:25 my your patience was being tested. Thank God for calm in the midst of a storm.
    Thanks for sharing