
curebraincancerband_lrgI hate cancer. Can I say that again? I REALLY hate cancer.

Yet amazingly I find myself unemotional about disease itself. I know that doesn’t make sense. Hate is a powerful emotion, but I think that’s God’s way of inserting his comfort and protecting me from being consumed by it.

My father has battled cancer for seven years now (it’s now in his brain). My youngest daughter is still recovering from surgery and radiation for a malignant brain tumor diagnosed last fall. (She’d doing great! Two totally clear MRIs.) Almost everyone I know has been touched by cancer in some way.

And today I had to take my cat back to the vet—our sweet tri-pod who lost her leg to cancer a little over a year ago. It’s back and with a vengeance. We can only make her comfortable and get ready to say goodbye.

Death still has its sting in those goodbyes, but such comfort comes in knowing we have the final victory over death through our precious Jesus Christ. We may not be able to control the when and how, but God does, and He even controls the why.

Perhaps I sound naïve, and I’ll be honest, I haven’t gone through losing anyone very close to me. But in the trials we face, I firmly believe God prepares us to face our futures in strength and faith. We have the reassurance that nothing we endure is in vain, and victory is ours.

“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. —1Corinthians 15: 55-58.

Thanks be to God.

Praying and believing,

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8 thoughts on “Cancer

  1. eph2810

    Yes, cancer is a wicked disease. I lost my dad to cancer at a young age (well I think young)…But knowing that he know is feasting at His table gives me comfort…

    (((hugs))) — thank you for sharing the marvelous comfort God gave us through His son, Jesus Christ.

  2. Kathy Charest

    I do not envy you being touched by this disease in such a personal way. I’ve never had it come close to my family, so I can only imagine your pain. What a beautful gift scripture is to our souls! Amen!

  3. LynnLynn

    Oh Dineen,

    I have been amazed to watch you andyour daughter and your entire family for that matter walk this path. You have done so with integrity and trust in the Lord, Almighty. It has been such an amazing testimony to me.

    You are absolutely right….But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Amen… Amen AMEN… Love you girl. Hugs.

  4. LindaLinda

    I believe that Jesus understands everything we will ever have to go through – because He has gone through it too. His tender compassion comforts us, and His victory over death gives us great hope.
    I’m sorry about what you are going through now, but thankful that you are resting in Him.

  5. Bro Richard

    We all have the disease , it tears us down , aome slowly some too quickly
    For we know that all of creation groans while waiting for the redemption. So also do we… I feel your loss and you are not alone, I to have lost little ones, Perhaps I it our LORDs way of sparing them having to live in these last days.
    29 years a minister of the Lord Jesus and it is still a mystry , I accept it by faith, some day we shall jnow all these things when we will “jnow as we are known

    keep praisin