Sometimes you just need a big hug to feel better. A hug gives us the assurance that we are loved. Research shows that hugging (and also laughing) is extremely effective at healing sickness, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety, and stress. It builds trust and helps us to feel safe. Virginia Satir, a respected…
When I read the story of David and the Goliath, one of the things that I notice is that the Israelite army was sorely terrified of the giant. (See 1 Samuel 17:11) Goliath the giant, taunted the Israelites and with each accusation and threat, it didn’t take long before the great…
After 10 years of marriage and moving six times, my son-in-law was blessed with the “miracle job.” The two prayer groups I lead have been praying for years that God would bring this family back to be close to their extended family. I told my daughter that I was praying…
Several years ago I bought my first pair of perscription glasses. I disliked the idea of glasses (more than a bit of vanity perhaps), but I quickly discovered the benefits. I could actually read without squinting and holding my book at arms’ length. My glasses did wonders for my vision,…
A paradox is defined as a seemingly self-contradictory statement that, when investigated or explained, is in fact true. The Bible contains some statements that are seemingly self-contradictory, yet the more we learn about God, the more we realize the truth of these statements. We read in Isaiah 55:8-9 (ESV), “My…