Facing the Giants

When I read the story of David and the Goliath, one of the things that I notice is that the Israelite army was sorely terrified of the giant. (See 1 Samuel 17:11)

Goliath the giant, taunted the Israelites and with each accusation and threat, it didn’t take long before the great Israelite army felt less than they were and accepted their defeat.

This describes a term we are all too familiar with…FEAR!

Fear is believing that something is trying to get us and we have no power against it. People that we rub shoulders with often become goliaths in our lives. Their words and actions taunt us so much to the point that we begin to lose sleep over it, we become full of anxiety and we begin to live our days feeling offended.

Fear, if we let it, will get a foothold in our hearts and minds. It will begin to control not only our actions, but our emotions. When we allow people (and accusations) to make us feel less than we are, we lose sight of where our power and strength comes from.

While there was not a strong enough man in the entire Israelite army to stand up to the giant, God used David. David was the most unexpected choice anyone could imagine, but while David was young and small in stature, David was mighty in his faith. David’s strength came from the Lord.

I’ve had to face some fears head on recently. While I have encountered some Goliaths in my life, I have had to search for the David within me. Realizing that God is so much bigger than any giant that stands in my way reminds me that He is greater than anything that is within me.

Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than He who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

Sometimes, we have to meet some Goliaths to find the David in each of us.


@copyright2019 laurieadams

*find more of my devotions on my Facebook devotion page: womentakingastand