Everything is changing!

I have reached a point in my life where everything seems to be changing. I have stepped over into a whole new stage of life …. mother of grown kids!

Recently, we drove our youngest son to college 6 hours from home. Certainly, I was prepared for this change in our life, as we had already moved 2 of our 3 boys out of the house. Part of me was very excited about spending the next four years with our daughter, (the youngest and only daughter) but at the same time such a sadness came over me that our 3 boys were all on their own.

Upon arriving back home from our weekend trip of moving son #3 into college, a sudden change seemed to have taken over our house. As we sat at the dinner table, nothing was the same. When we sat down in the evening to watch television…just not the same. When I grocery shopped, you guessed it, not the same. Everything was different now that our family shrunk from 6 down to 3.


It is all part of life. The change that “empty nest” brings is really an empty feeling…but at the same time wonderful as I realize that God has each of my kids in the palm of His hand, and they each are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing and that is striving to walk in the will of God.

Changes are all around us though. Its not just a change of life, but styles are changing. Cultures change. Government officials change. And yes….people even change! Sometimes the only thing that I am even sure of is that EVERYTHING changes!

Everything except for one thing… the Word of God. God’s plan for the world will never change. His character will never change. His love for us will never change.

Styles of preaching may change. Styles of music may change. The color of the church carpet may even change. But God’s Word will NEVER change.

HEBREWS 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

Obama might change our health-care. The IRS may change our tax rate. Our employer may change our employment status. And our economy  may change our spending habits…but nothing can change the fact that we have something solid and durable and dependable to build our lives upon and that is the Word of God.

It will remain the same for all time.

What changes are affecting you and your family today? May you lean upon His Word and know that even in the midst of life changing events, God is still in control!

Please visit me on my blog daily over at http://womentakingastand.blogspot.com/

You can also visit my prayer blog at http://wmfirstassemblyofgodprays.blogsspot.com/

7 thoughts on “Everything is changing!

  1. Kim

    Beautiful post and so true. The Lord led my husband to completely switch careers within the same company about 5 months ago and we know now why. His company is laying off a bunch of employees at the end of this month and he would have been one of them but now he is untouched by it. Praise the Lord he still has a job. God is good and ever so faithful!

  2. bp

    This made me smile! I’m SO thankful HE doesn’t change.

    We are still adjusting to changes with Caleb starting school….new bedtime and wake up time, me being home without him, etc. It’s going well I believe.

  3. Marsha

    Praise God He doesn’t change! Where would we be if He changed His mind and decided the Atonement wasn’t enough…lost!!

    He is our true north, steady on.

    Thanks for this, Laurie.


  4. Sonya Lee Thompson

    This is a heartfelt post. How difficult it must be to have a quiet house now. As the mother of six (my oldest is only 13) I cannot imagine how different things will seem when my kids begin to leave the nest. My heart goes out to you, but it is encouraging to remember that God doesn’t change nor does His love for us. I pray that you have peace this weekend in holding onto that.

    God Bless,
    Sonya Lee