Choosing Things That Matter

I’ve been thinking lately about the things I do. I seem to be very busy, but what am I busy doing? As I started paying more attention to the things that fill my day, I began to realize many of them are time wasters. They take up a portion of time but don’t really accomplish anything important.

What would I consider something important? Well, something important would be something with lasting value. Of course there are still things that don’t last for very long that I have to do, like eat and clean, and do the laundry, but there are many things I do that can be deleted from my day all together and I probably wouldn’t even miss them.

When my day is over each evening, I want to look back and see something that mattered for eternity. Did I read my Bible and pray, then live according to its truth throughout the day?  What about visiting that sick neighbor? Did I love my family and serve them as if Jesus was visiting our home today? Did I take the time to encourage someone who was down, or be a friend to someone who was lonely? Every day is different. God has ordained each one to be filled with the “good works” He prepared specifically for me to do.

My calendar naturally fills up with family and church activities, but it’s in the everyday living between and amongst the activities on the calendar that contains rich opportunities to do things for eternity. The people I meet along the way – the homeless person on the street, a son’s friend whose mom has cancer, a fellow Christian struggling with depression, and the members of my family – are all there by God’s design. He has set divine appointments on all our calendars that overshadow the ink filled spaces. It’s amazing how He leads us through them and gives us eyes to see, when we take time to ask Him what His plans are for the day. He doesn’t force His will on us, we have a choice. Will we choose the things that matter?

I’d like to think we will.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,

which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10


4 thoughts on “Choosing Things That Matter

  1. Iris

    It is so true, Charlotte. There are times He has set for divine appointments. Unfortunately I have missed some of them (aka ignored).

    I pray that I will be more tuned in to His appointments set for me.