Cleaning Up My Mess

(current pic of my garage)


Do you have a messy garage? Or maybe it’s not your garage, but you know exactly what it is. That overcrowded storage unit you really need to empty. Your pantry or those junk drawers. Or your fridge filled with rotting leftover containers. Wherever and whatever it is, it’s an area of your life that is a mess. It’s affecting your daily life, taking up mental space and sucking up all of your energy.

Well that’s my life right now. I’m in the middle of going room by room, organizing, purging, and cleaning. Call it spring cleaning if you want. Whatever this is, it’s exhausting. It’s hard work looking through every nook and cranny. Actually I’m growing weary as I approach the finish line. This has been a few weeks of focused energy and I know I haven’t gotten rid of everything I should have. But I’ve made it through my entire house except the basement and garage. Currently I’m finishing up my office. What a mess. Two days ago I finally threw away my high school graduation gown from 1986. Call me a sentimental fool. 🙂  It feels great to have labels and homes for everything I’ve decided to keep.

And as I’ve worked, God has been showing me the messy places of my heart. I’ve invited Him to walk with me through this process and He is faithful to reveal what needs to go. It’s humbling to see I still hide jealousy, comparison and bitterness in the closet of my heart. I see places where I’ve grown complacent and I see the results of neglecting those areas. It’s not pretty, but it’s been freeing to let God have my mess. He is making my old His new again.

What a gift to do something I’ve been needing to do and in the process do some heart work with God.

How about you? Have you allowed God to look into the rooms of your heart lately?

God longs to free us from our everyday messes. He longs to declutter our lives and make room for what matters most:

* Him

* Family

* Other people

Father God, thank You for Your love and faithfulness. Thank You for not leaving me as we go room by room through my mess. Thank You for speaking life to me when I grow weary. Thank You for making my heart Your home. I love You, Jesus. Amen

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! Psalm 139:23 ESV

PS There is a classic short story about our hearts called My Heart, Christ’s Home.

Hugs from Colorado,

Tiffany – Tea with Tiffany

8 thoughts on “Cleaning Up My Mess

  1. terri tiffany

    I love to physically clean out areas in my home that have become cluttered–just did our files last week. I know God wants to do the same with our hearts and so I am working on that too though I find it more difficult but more rewarding when I do!

  2. Iris

    I really need to get my house in order – it is a MESS. I just don’t have the energy after a long day at work to get the house clean. And the weekends I try to relax. I am so happy that you were able to do the cleaning at your hous.

    My heart-issues are getting better; God is working on them overtime.

  3. BernadineBernadine

    Dear Tiffany,
    could you please send me some of that energy? I have a few cluttered areas in my home that needs a bit of attention.:)

    My heart issues I find is a daily choice to let go of the things that serves no purpose but to hinder my walk with God. Some days it’s easier than others to make that choice but He’s still working on me.

  4. Cindy

    Oh, this past year has been ‘filled’ with cleaning out the messies of my life. Going through my hubby’s belongings and allowing them to leave the property has been gut wrenching but healing. Yet, I must admit there is still SO much hidden in the closet of my heart. So much brokenness and pain that I just haven’t allowed God to touch in these 15 months since I lost my Mark. Yes dear Tiffany, I have much for God to declutter! Blessings to you and thank you for sharing this Truth!!

  5. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Tiffany, what a great post! I have been thinking for quite some time now that I need to do some spring cleaning in my house but really the first place I need to start is in my heart. I am sure that some de-cluttering is in order. Thanks for sharing! 🙂