Coffee With God

Last year my goddaughter Lashaunna started first grade at the school where I teach. From her very first day she started the tradition of stopping by my class in the evenings before her mother picks her up. Every evening she greets me with a sweet “hi Goddie Bernie,” and a big hug, then after a short conversation runs off happily to wait for her mother.

Some days when Shaunna comes I’m busy with a parent or colleague so she’ll stand quietly waiting for me to notice her then if I take too long she slips out because she knows her mother is waiting. However, after a few times I noticed her disappointment so I decided that no matter who I’m talking too I’d just excuse myself for a moment and give her for a hug. It really doesn’t take but a moment of my time and she leaves happy knowing that I’m not too busy for her.

Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. Daniel 6:10

I was thought of Shaunna one day as I was studying the book of Daniel. She shows up everyday although there were days when I was too busy and she left disappointed. Daniel showed up for his set time with God even when it was dangerous for him to do so. He didn’t think, “Oh God will understand if I don’t pray today.” He knew that was the time he had set aside to spend with God and he was determined to keep the appointment no matter what. As I studied I was reminded of my set time with God. I usually get up at about 5:45 a.m. so that by 6 a.m. I can sit with my Bible and cup of coffee and spend some time with God before I start my day. However, there are times when I oversleep, or I’m feeling a bit tired or maybe just plain lazy so I’m not at our meeting place at the appointed time. He reminded me that he’s there every morning at 6 o’ clock waiting for me even on the days when I don’t show at the set time.

As I sat there I wondered, “God, do you leave disappointed like Shaunna on the days when I don’t give you the time I’m supposed to? Do you linger round when I oversleep hoping I won’t be in too much of a hurry that we can’t have our time together?” I knew the answer without him even saying a word. It made me more determined to keep my time commitment to him. I call my early morning devotion, Coffee with God, and truly it’s the sweetest part of my day and it sets the tone for the rest of my day.

Bernadine Sig_Tag

7 thoughts on “Coffee With God

  1. eph2810

    Thank you, Bernadine. You don’t know how much this meant to me this morning. I will make sure that, even I might oversleep, I need to make time with Him. I usually pray before I get up, which sets my mood for the day.

    Your little god-daughter sounds like a sweet little girl 🙂

    Blessings to you and yours.

  2. Laurel

    You know my thoughts were along the same lines during my quiet time this morning. Last week was a rough week, but I was not in the word as much either because I was just plum worn out. But then I thought the thoughts you speak of today. Thank you.

  3. LynnLynn

    Thank you for this Bernadine. I was better at rising early to meet with the Lord when I worked. Starting tomorrow I plan to set my alarm. I miss those early morning reads and want to have more time to pray.

    Great post.

  4. Angie

    This is an annoited post. It was for me… Father reminding me….that He’s always right there….even now, if I will just turn this new problem to His ready hands.
    Thanks Bernadine–you have blessed me tonight. My tears fall on the lap of my Lord.

  5. Terri

    I wake up at 5 am M-F but I’m lazy on the weekends. Thank you for reminding me through your post, God doesn’t sleep in on the weekends! He’s there waiting for me.

  6. michelle

    I am thankful for this post. I have been very lazy about my time with God and am thankful He waits daily for me and never gives up.