
2 Chronicles 16:9

“For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him…”

So frequently, I sit around with Jesus, trying to split hairs about what things are HIS job and what things are MY responsibility.  For example, if I haven’t seen victory over a certain sin in my life, it is really my fault for not completely surrendering that area of my life to God, or is it because God hasn’t chosen to work miracles in my life at this point? Am I supposed to just “Let Go and Let God” or am I just sitting around waiting for God to work while He’s waiting for me to step out in faith?  I’m not sure that I really have the answer, but I think the word “commit” has a lot to do with it.

For some reason, that word has been floating around in my mind a lot lately, but its meaning eluded me.  I know that if I’m committed to something, then I’m devoted, I’m all in.  Commitment means I plan to put forth 100% of my effort and I won’t turn my back on it.  Being committed in marriage means sticking with my husband through good times and bad, for the long haul.  Commitment to Jesus means I’m not just along for the ride, but I’m giving Him my very best.

How many times have I started a Bible reading plan, full of enthusiasm, only to let my commitment fall by the wayside a month later?  Or start a new ministry, but realize it wasn’t really God’s calling after it’s really too late?  This is what it looks like for me to be led by emotions and not really by sincere commitment.

On the other hand, to commit means that I entrust my life to God’s hands.  It isn’t just about what I can remain committed to that really matters.  The fact is, I can be a very committed person, with goals and rigorous daily activities to keep me following a certain path, but if I’m not committed to the One True God, I accomplish nothing.  When I commit myself to Him, I’m entrusting everything into His hands and resting, certain that He is at work.

So, I’m re-committing myself today.  Committing my life into His hands, trusting Him to be in control and resting in His sovereignty and leadership in my life.  At the same time (in a strange kind of balance), I’m committing myself to following hard after God, listening to His voice and obeying Him when He calls.  I don’t want to be dabbling in Christianity, picking out what feels good and just doing a little of this or a little of that.  I want to be committed, sold out, all HIS.

How about you?  Are you committed?

Heather Cox

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5 thoughts on “Commitment

  1. Krista


    “To follow hard after God”…

    I really like that line. To follow HARD… I don’t want to follow Him not giving Him my 100% BEST, I want to follow Him with ALL I GOT!!!


  2. Paula

    I love this Heather. I am absolutely terrible with committing to things. Over the last two years I’ve started scripture memorising plans, Bible reading plans, and more, and have finished NONE! I will join you in this! Paula 🙂

  3. Iris

    Powerful message, Heather. The word surrender has been coming back and again on a daily basis in my life. I too want to listen to HIS voice and walk in His will. May He give me the strength to do so.

  4. bev mello

    thank you, Heather, for the devotion. shared it during our team meeting at work ( I work in an elca congregation). thanks again!