Consider the Cardinal


Matt 6:26-27

26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (NIV)


Worry.  America’s favorite pastime.  It seems we have a love/hate relationship with it.  We do not want to worry, fret,  and be filled with anxiety about life’s issues.  But at the same time, if we are not worrying, we feel that we are not doing anything about our problems.

This week, as I went through my annual audit for my job, I determined to pray, rather than worry.  I prepared.  But I did not obsess.  I prayed more than I perused.  I will be the first to admit that this audit went better (stress-wise) than other times, when I have spent more time obsessing.  But still, there is a raggedness of soul that lingers after a season of prolonged stress.

How do we stop the worry epidemic and start a trust revival?  How do we release the concerns of life into God’s capable hands, while still being responsible to do our parts?

In a recent retreat (from life), I spent time in the company of a beautiful family of cardinals.  Their striking beauty was a feast for my eyes.  But their general nonchalance was an inspiration for my soul.  If they saw danger, they just flew off.  They did not sit and flutter and hop maniaclly around.  They landed on perches of their choosing and just took it all in.  How can something with a tiny brain be so much better at life than me?

As I “consider” the birds, reality is so apparent.  God cares for these creatures that He crafted.  He provides for their needs.  He robed them in beauty.  He provided them a habitat suitable for them.  He gave them companionship.  Yet they do not even have an eternal soul.

How much more will He look after His children?  People created by Him for fellowship with Him?  He desposits within us His precious Holy Spirit as a sacred trust.  His own divine fingerprint is stamped on each one of the children, lovingly created in His image.  Why do we lean into our own understanding rather than trusting Him? Of course, His careful  keeping will be more evident in our lives than in a bird’s!  But still-  the mind kicks in, and we short-circuit our opportunity to walk in constant joy and peace.

Our value is not in our physical body.  (Truthfully, a cardinal is more beautiful than many humans.)  Our value is based on His love for us-  His care for us.  The relationship that He gives us in his own dear son, Jesus Christ.  We are more valued because He willed it so.

Worrying, fretting, running scenarios in our minds, none of it changes a thing about our relaity.  We cannot ensure our success or lengthen our lives one nanosecond.

Worry, at its root,  is fear and lack of trust in our Heavenly Father.  Therefore, it is sin.  Will you renounce the sin of worry with me today?

Dear Father, forgive me for the sin of worry.  Forgive me for self-trust, rather than trusting in you.  Teach me to be like the birds who do not try to figure it all out, but easily rest in your provision and care of them.   Teach me to walk in the ease of Your presence.   In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.


One thought on “Consider the Cardinal

  1. Iris Nelson

    Some days I worry way too much, but I feel better when I give my worries to the Lord.
    Thank you for the reminder to trust Him more, every single day.