
Even as a middle school student, I realized that I had an issue with sugar. If I had Pop Tarts for breakfast and P.E. in first period, I would get terribly shaky. Soon, I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia. Later, I noticed that if I ate sugar, even in small amounts, it would cause intense (almost irrepressible) cravings.

In the last few years, I have made a concerted effort to live sugar-free most of the time. Still, just one little “cheat” is enough to send me spiraling into full blown cravings.

As I sat this morning by a lily-pad covered pond, spending time with the Lord, I realized how much I would miss this morning meeting-place when vacation comes to an end. This undisturbed quiet in His presence, where almost nothing in nature competes to take my mind off of Him and His Word, calms and heals me. After tasting the sweetness of such quiet, precious presence, it will be hard to leave it behind. Just a taste of the sweetness of God’s nature is enough to create intense craving in me where nothing, or no one else, will do. Oh how I long for Him!- just to hear His voice; just to sense the nearness of His love and tender mercies. Surely, it is as sweet as honey in the honeycomb!

“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”   Ps. 119:103

Had I never tasted, I would not know to crave. Perhaps you just do not get it. You spend time with God and sense nothing. Press in, friend, there is treasure there! Treasure of incalculable worth and value awaits you- you just have to “mine” to find it. You have to get still and quiet enough to hear that still, small voice.

Having spent more than two decades going after Him in hot, earnest pursuit, I will share my rarest discovery- there is always more. More of Him to know. A sharpness and openness to hear His voice in greater measure. More love to be shed abroad in your heart to heal the deepest gashes of your past.

As I stand and face the open water…the ocean spread out as far as the eye can see under the canopy of God’s vast, majestic sky… I realize God is just that far, wide, and deep! Whatever I think I know of Him, increases as I wade deeper still. I press on toward what I perceive to be the “end of the Earth” and the sum of His glory. But as I grow closer, the end moves, yet farther still.

As I stand at the base of a dwarfing mountain range, I realize, He is even higher. There is more to Him than I yet see here. No where can I go that I do not see His glory and majesty on display. Written for my eyes to see and my heart to read His beautiful love song to me.

“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.”  Ps. 42:7

What about you? Have you tasted God’s sweetness and desire more? Or have you only heard and read about others’ experiences? Experience Him for yourself today!

“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” Ps. 34:8

Dear God, I pray for each reader today, that they would experience the insatiable hunger and craving for Your presence. I pray that they will not settle for less than the sweetness of life that You alone provide. I ask that those who have gone deeper in you, will hear the deep crying out to them to come deeper still. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


5 thoughts on “Craving

  1. Joanne Brock

    Needed this today.
    Have lost some of my joy along the way. I know that I’ve moved. Not the Lord. But I also know He will welcome me with open arms and a sense of peace. We get our eyes lost sometimes in our day to day And forget the closeness and love He has gave us. Thanks for your calling. Love ya

  2. Luwana

    Brings to mind Ezekiel 47’s, “where the river flows, everything will live.” He wants us to get in the deep waters….